Do you mind if your woman has no job?
Jul 25, 2010 01:49
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“Do you mind if your woman has no job?”---A survey conducted by a famous Chinese website. The result conveys that 51% percent men do mind if their woman has no job. In contrast, 49% percent men don’t care about it.

Why do men care about it?

For most ordinary families, both husbands and wives earn ordinary salaries. If their woman has no job, their family will be in crisis since her man can’t support his family alone. Why? The salaries they earn can not meet the high-consumption.

Of course, if the men can make a lot of money, their women needn’t work outside because she needn’t worry about her livings.

Do you mind if your woman has no job?

In the survey, some men say that they don’t mind if their woman temporarily loses her job. Maybe several months, maybe a year. But she has to get a job. How much time can you accept if your woman has no job?
Jul 25, 2010 20:38
  • LOKI
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Hmm i will crawl around here for a while,, I dont mind if a women does not work, because she can stay home and take care of little guys like me
Jul 25, 2010 20:57
  • LOKI
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Jimmy i will stay with you now
Jul 25, 2010 21:59
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Hi, Loki, I know you need a babysitter and for someone who take care of you, that is her work.
It seems I have no right to vote for Yes or No about this question. So I vote here literally, Yes, for sure as a one of the parties. women are not born to deal with houseworks, cook meals for her husband, take care of babies always. They need communicateion, outside the Kitchen. If I have no work and have to stay at home, i will be mad. To live off somebody's generosity or even responsibility is bitter life and will come to no good end. Work is first way for the liberation of women.
Jul 26, 2010 03:53
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OMG, better stay in the watermelon and keep eating the flesh. If you are too naughty, I will cover the watermelon and let you in the dark. Behave!
Jul 26, 2010 04:08
  • KEVIN0518
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Gloomy, you are a very independent woman.

I am not a woman but I want to say something about this. In my view, women should be independent. Don't reply on your husband even he is very rich. Being a good housewife is a choice. But your husband might get bored with you. He might find mistress outside. If you always stay at home, you will be disconnected with the world. No good.
Jul 26, 2010 21:04
  • CHERRY07
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I am a woman and I don't want to be a parasite. Stable and easy life will make a person easy to fall. If you just depend on your husband, you might be in danger. What if he finds a mistress and cuts off his supply?

An independent woman is charming. Don't make yourself a parasite.
Last edited by CHERRY07: Jul 26, 2010 21:04
Jul 28, 2010 03:56
For most common families in China, both husband and wife work to support their family. If I become very rich one day, I will let my wife stay at home. It is time for her to enojy a very comfortable life then.
Aug 1, 2010 10:37
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It has been proven that after women started to work, kids have had worse lifes.

If people have kids should they give them as good youth as possible. My opinion is that children comes first and after that people can think about themselves. To me it is clear that - if possible - women should stay home and take care of the family.

How can someone say that homemother is a parasite? A woman taking care of family and home is surely as respectful as a man working long days to support family finansically.

Of course the husband should take part of the home work after coming home from work.

Aug 1, 2010 21:56
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Carlos, you are a good father and husband. I do appreciate that women are not parasite if they don't work.

I value family much than work, if I have a child, I will give him all when I could so that he can enjoy a normal family life. But the fact is that they have to work for a better life. I don't want to keep my brain busy for days, but I am unwilling to be one who is not enterprising at all.
Aug 1, 2010 22:57
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I agree with gloomy.

Carlos, the guy who is rich enought doesn't have to let his wife stay home to take care of housechores and children coz he can buy the service. In a developed and matual society, female has equal values to their opposit sex in terms of contributions to family life, social life and ecomomic life.
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