A Foreign Womens Opinion of Chinese Men
Sep 23, 2010 00:10
guestGuestLiBeiKa So I am seeing a lot of posts about "Why Chinese men don't marry foreign women", or "Chinese men and FOREIGN women?".....

So What is the problem here?

As an American women who has been dating a Chinese American guy for a long, long time....I do not understand the issue with Chinese men.
A few points:
~They are NOT effeminate!
~They are NOT abusive
~They are NOT inadequate
~Chinese(and other Asian men) have a unique way of showing affection, but I would not call it cold. More I would say they don't just throw their emotions out there, but wait until they cannot contain the emotions anymore-and I ask, WHAT is wrong with that?!
~I have to say, as one who was always attracted to darker men(I am very fair, freckles, grey eyes, light brown hair), Chinese men have such nice, dark hair and eyes, tan skin, strong healthy bodies and super attractive, pouty lips!

I know there are MANY opinions on other races thrown about, but hear me out on this one....YOU CANNOT JUDGE PEOPLE FROM STEREOTYPES!!!
Does anyone else have anything to contribute about how much they LOVE Chinese men?

And I know I will SURELY date another Chinese man if I ever break up with this one(I hope not!!!)
Sep 25, 2010 02:49
Sounds nice. Wish you and your Chinese boyfriend happy forever.

PS: You don't know it tastes unless you bite the chocolate.
Sep 30, 2010 19:29
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[I do not understand the issue with Chinese men.
A few points:
~They are NOT effeminate!
~They are NOT abusive
~They are NOT inadequate
I know there are MANY opinions on other races thrown about, but hear me out on this one....YOU CANNOT JUDGE PEOPLE FROM STEREOTYPES!!!

YOU are guilty of exactly what you are accusing others of. YOU have created the stereotype! Some Chinese, just as SOME westerners are in fact effeminate, abusive and inadequate. The problem with generalising, is that you generally wrong! To say "they are not" (intimating ALL are not), is both racist and offensive!
Sep 30, 2010 22:47
GUESTLIBEIKA "YOU are guilty of exactly what you are accusing others of. YOU have created the stereotype! Some Chinese, just as SOME westerners are in fact effeminate, abusive and inadequate. The problem with generalising, is that you generally wrong! To say "they are not" (intimating ALL are not), is both racist and offensive! " it is racist to say a generalized American stereotype is wrong?! OK...O.o
Oct 1, 2010 15:10
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When someone says "YOU CANNOT JUDGE PEOPLE FROM STEREOTYPES!!!" and then proceeds to do EXACTLY that, I bristle. GUESTGUE can't speak for ALL Chinese, only the ones she personally has known. I doubt she has dated every Chinese man so she is generalising using her own limited experience as a stereotype.

Comparing races using stereotypical generalisations is fraught with danger. To say "They are NOT effeminate!~They are NOT abusive~They are NOT inadequate" is to infer that Chinese as a race, are superior to other races because obviously all other races do have effeminate, abusive and inadequate aspects. That is racism. To say "some" or "the ones I have known" or even "many" would have been acceptable.
Oct 1, 2010 15:12
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[quote=GUESTLIBEIKA,408492 it is racist to say a generalized American stereotype is wrong?! OK...O.o[/quote]

Of course that's wrong.
Oct 3, 2010 10:47
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Hello, Bober. We Chinese say that a cycle is finished within 30 years and the God's will shift his mercy between east and west in one cycle. If u want to comments on Chinese as a race, I shall say as a yellow woman, we Chinese as a race is one of the excellency. I never ever think Whites and other color are better than us especially I move overseas seeing within my own eyes. However, if we Chinese can be more open and integrete others' strength, then we will be the best.
Oct 7, 2010 20:27
GUESTLIBEIKA I am thinking Bobert likes to find the slightest misrepresentation of ones thoughts and run with it. All I was saying is-and almost everyone knows-there are a lot of false stereotypes of Chinese in the west...and I have found MOST Chinese people I have met or spoken to online are not like the stereotype. SO SORRY I said ALL....god forbid! SMH
Oct 7, 2010 20:42
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"slightest misrepresentation"? I think not. You said..what you said.

If I said all "guest" posters here are cowards because they hide behind anonymity, you would have every right to complain.If I said all people who generalise are fools, likewise you would have a legitimate grievance. So instead I will simply say MOST are.
Oct 7, 2010 21:39
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"All I was saying is-and almost everyone knows-there are a lot of false stereotypes of Chinese in the west"

I am western, but I must be one of the few who doesn't know. Come to think of it, nobody else I know has a "false stereotype of Chinese" either!

So maybe not "almost everyone knows" what you and others of your ilk do. Maybe it's just.................... you?.....and a few other racists of course.

Oct 7, 2010 22:56
GUESTLIBEIKA Yes...I am soo racist! I am, I PRETEND to be madly in love with and want to marry my CHINESE boyfriend of 4+ years!!! Yup, you are SO right...I should go break up with him now and join the clan...but, I am Jewish....maybe they won't notice.....
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