Could this be true?
Mar 24, 2011 05:30
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I see spiraling flames
Mar 24, 2011 10:08
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Originally Posted by LARRYBOY

I see spiraling flames

Some thing is better then nothing.
Mar 24, 2011 14:05
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Originally Posted by LINGYUXISU

Just go home, BOBERT. I won't go there presently. And there is someone waiting for you at your house~

Is it YOU waiting at my house LINGYUXISU? Oh I hope so. Will you be waiting in my ...? I will go there immediately to find you. Wait for me LINGYUXISU. Please don't...
Mar 24, 2011 23:14
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Originally Posted by BOBERT

Is it YOU waiting at my house LINGYUXISU? Oh I hope so. Will you be waiting in my ..bedroom? I will go there immediately to find you. Wait for me LINGYUXISU. Please don't start without me.

BOBERT, it's impossible for me to be in Australia.
Mar 24, 2011 23:19
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I went to my house. I looked in my bedroom. But the only thing that was there was my... So now I am back at the airport. I am waiting for the next plane to Xian. Soon we will be together LINGYUXISU.
Mar 25, 2011 01:10
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BOBERT, the joke has gotten out of hand and I don't like it
Mar 25, 2011 02:04
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I apologise if my small attempt at humor displeased you. I thought it was patently obvious that my remarks were intended only as fun, but apparently not to everyone. In future I will remember to be more reticent and less jocular.
Mar 25, 2011 02:16
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Originally Posted by LARRYBOY

I see spiraling flames

Well prophesied LARRYBOY.
Mar 25, 2011 03:36
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There is nothing wrong with your humor, BOBERT. It's me who cannot accept the off-color jokes. But I think most young Chinese girls, like me cannot accept the kind of jokes. So you'd better not kid young girls like this when you are in China next time. Culture difference

I mean no preaching. It just goes like this, a little embrassed
Mar 25, 2011 03:45
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Lingyuxisu, this is sadly what happens when you start talking to Colonials.
There’ a strange bunch, with little or no breading.
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