China demands real names on microblogs
Dec 23, 2011 03:02
guest4569 Beijing authorities published some new regulations on microblog development and management on Dec.16. The most important rule is to require all internet microblogs users to register with their real names. All websites in Beijing who offer microblog services will have to regularize their web users in future 3 months.

Sina, 163 and Sohu implemented real-name system quickly after the regulations were issued.

Recently, Guangdong also issued similar regulations. From Dec.22, seven local websites in Guangzhou and Shenzhen including Tencent will implement real-name system in their microblog service. However, the registered members on these websites will not be required to offer their real names. Those who plan to register on the seven websites will be required to register with their real names.

Clearly, the real-name system will be implemented across China very soon. Is this a good diea?
Jan 5, 2012 02:46
  • BBQQ
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I wonder if my private information can be protected safely if I register with my real name and ID card. Recently, millions of usernames and passwords on many Chinese well-known websites have been disclosed. How can I ensure that my ID card won't be disclosed to any third party?
Jan 5, 2012 21:28
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Mr. Obama used to have such proposal as linking internet profiles to social insuranc Identity which is a huge project that was pull down for some reason. Anyhow, internet crime, to some extent, can be tracced and spotted by today's techknowledge.
Jan 5, 2012 22:06
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The government begins to control the microblogs. Actually, microblogs have benefited the people to some extent. Some corruption cases were disclosed via microblogs and the corrupted officials were punished.

I am not sure how many people will tell the truth after the real name system is applied. South Korea adopted real name system on the internet. But it didn't work as the government expected.
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