A 21 years old girl spends 6 RMB getting back from Dunhuang to Nanyang
Jan 12, 2012 00:46
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Thumbing a ride and couch surfing have become popular in China.

A report from Yangtze River Daily once reported that a 36 years old woman from Yichang traveled in 24 countries just in 2 years by couch surfing. She just spent 30000 yuan in all.

Yesterday, a 21 years old girl traveled back to Nanyang, Henan from Dunhuang by thumbing a ride and couch surfing on her way. She didn’t spend too much money. 6 RMB in 8 days.

They are women but very brave. Do you prefer to travel in this way?
Jan 12, 2012 01:18
  • BBQQ
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She is lucky. Didn't meet any bad guys on her way. It is dangerous for a young girl to thumb a ride or do couch surfing.
Jan 12, 2012 18:52

Originally Posted by BBQQ

She is lucky. Didn't meet any bad guys on her way. It is dangerous for a young girl to thumb a ride or do couch surfing.

I agree. Too risky.
Jan 13, 2012 21:47

Originally Posted by BBQQ

She is lucky. Didn't meet any bad guys on her way. It is dangerous for a young girl to thumb a ride or do couch surfing.

It was risky. But I believe that she will never forget her experience of thumbing a ride and couchsurfing.

I wonder if you guys know 'Gap Year'. The college students in foreign countries usually travel abroad to accumulate their life experience and understand the world and society before starting their jobs. Most of them travel alone.

If you want to grow up, you have to experience difficulties. Your life won't be smooth forever.
Oct 19, 2012 22:42
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Yes, it is risky, especially for girls. Dare you start your travel if you have not well-prepared for it, I mean financially?

I always thinking if I have enough time, I want to have it a try, but not alone. I feel safe if someone accompany me.
Oct 21, 2012 01:15
  • BBQQ
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Originally Posted by GUEST3421 View Post

It was risky. But I believe that she will never forget her experience of thumbing a ride and couchsurfing.

I wonder if you guys know 'Gap Year'. The college students in foreign countries usually travel abroad to accumulate their life experience and understand the world and society before starting their ...

Yes, today many Chinese graduates spend their gap years. It's a good time to one's growth.
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