marrying a 5 year younger girl is crime , our parents think ??
Mar 22, 2012 21:02

Originally Posted by GUEST05169

thnx u all .
okay tell me one thing .
if we both wait till she grow an adult and then we put our proposal to our parents , then it is okay ??

It's up to your and her parents. If they agree, you will be ok. What is the marriageable age in India?
Mar 23, 2012 06:28
GUEST91954 well in india after 19 u can marry .
Mar 23, 2012 20:51

Originally Posted by GUEST91954

well in india after 19 u can marry .

So you have to wait for her for 5 years. Are you sure that you won't love someone else in future 5 years? Are you sure that she won't love someone else too?

It's hard to tell. Anyway, try to convince both your and her parents if you want to be together with her five years later. Good luck to you!
Mar 26, 2012 03:11
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It's not easy to marry for a person of different cast, especially between a Brahmin and a Sudra. Some girls in India married at the age as early as 10 years old, especially in some remote areas. Though it's the caste an ancient belief, it is still practised by some. Besides the four castes, there is another group, an out of caste, the untouchables where the late Mahatma Gandhi called them, Harijans, the children of God.
Apr 19, 2012 00:20
GUEST01311 dude im in the same boat. im 19 and she is 15 turning 16 in 2 weeks. we fell in love and we are forced not to talk. we both said we will wait for eachother but we are dying on the inside. age is perspective and love is greater in my thoughts. my opinion but its hard.
Apr 19, 2012 00:22
GUEST01311 "im 19 and the girl that i fell in love w is 15 but turning 16 in 2 weeks....but we are forced not to talk to eachother by our parents. we both tell eachother that we will wait for eachother but it is hard because we could be sooo happy right now. we cry on the phone together bcus its sooo painful to be forced apart. this is true love no matter of any opinions on age. i need help to get her back....i need to find a way to reach our parents. please for the blessing of true love, help me out with ideas. ik you will all say wait and its rape.....but just throw a couple ideas on the table please"
Apr 19, 2012 08:28
GUEST10412 hi
so u r in d same condition as we r
do not worry i ll say to u
listen have trust in each other and soon this cyclone will go away ..
u i have to come to delhi forma studies but as soon as iget my holiday i rush back to myhome to see her ..and it felt so good its like i m alive again ..
just love her and forget everything else ..
with right time everything will be okay
Apr 20, 2012 00:14
GUEST01311 i am american tho....but there has to be a way. i do not want to lose her in the next two years. im afraid that i will come back and she will have moved on. its only three could be much worse. i just need the parents aproval. i go everynight thinking of her and crying. i leterally never cry. waiting is the best option but pleaseeeeeeee try and find another for me. BTW: im the same person w the two earlier posts on the 18th.
Apr 20, 2012 03:16
GUEST12447 dear
seriously u need to be in contact with her ..
i dont knw wats d prob with d parents ..
why cant be live our life with whom we love .
u knw its been almost a year i came to delhi for studies and during dis duration i never felt asleep for a single night .. my whole night pass on with her memories and time we spend together .
keep trying to convice ur parents , they will understand ur love for her ..
Apr 20, 2012 22:13
GUEST01311 when i try...they get pissed and say im messn w her and its not real. im soooooo freakn pissed about this whole situation. why cant i have a chance!?!?!?!? foreal....if its not meant than it wont last...but i know it will. being forced apart should not exist. we were put here on earth to live and love someone. im about to give my parents number out so people can talk some sense into them....
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