Xian International Horticultural Exposition Site to be opened for free visit from April 28
May 2, 2012 01:36

Originally Posted by VANESSAZHONG

That is ok if you don't have time to go there. I'm afraid there are too many poeple going there at May Day. After all, it charges for free from today. What a terrible situation.

I am sorry. It is free to enter the park but you have to pay for the entrance fee if you visit Chang'an Tower and Museum of Creativity.

The tourists are unhappy when they visit the park because the authorities didn't make it clear that tourists had to buy the entrance ticket to visit Chang'an Tower and Museum of Creativity.
May 2, 2012 01:38

I will keep my promise to take photos at the expo park no matter how I am disappointed.
May 2, 2012 05:29
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Ok.Waiting for your pictures/
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