Do we really have to seal the road?
Jul 4, 2012 21:35

Originally Posted by WANHU View Post

"Qualified". I have seen a trained teacher that cannot teach well. Some do not have the flair to teach although they are graduates from teaching institutes. They just don't have passion to teach and share.

It's normal, Wan. Some graduates from medical schools do not want to be doctors too. If possible, I'd like to be a teacher. You needn't hand in your pension but get more after you retire. In other words, the country takes care of you when you are retired.

However, the employer has to pay for their employee's pension. At the same time, the employee has to pay for their own pension too. After retirement, they get less pension than teachers and the civil servants.

Currently, China plans to extend the retirement age to 65 because it doesn't have enough money to support the retired people. But why not start a reform to ask the civil servants to hand in their pension like those people who work in companies?

It isn't fair that some people who do not hand in pension get more money than those who hand in pension after retirement. The civil servants' pensions are paid by the country. In fact, they are paid by US.
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