A group wedding of new college graduates!
Jul 11, 2012 22:13

Originally Posted by RAINDROP

It is unbelievable~

Raindrop, it is believable. Some people do not take their relationship seriously. It will be a regret if you do not have a GF/BF at college. Thus, some people get together because they do not want to have regrets after graduation.

My friend broke up with his gf peacefully because they two were to work in different cities. Sometimes, it is too difficult to maintain a relationship when they are apart from each other.
Jul 18, 2012 21:26
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Originally Posted by LONELYJOURNEY

It will be a regret if you do not have a GF/BF at college. Thus, some people get together because they do not want to have regrets after graduation.

I do not regret that I remained single untill work after graduation.
College life is not so boring that I have to find someone to kill time with. I have roommates who became my best friend, and classmates who hung out with at weekends. The best memory ever!
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