A group wedding of new college graduates!
Jun 15, 2012 04:19
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A group wedding ceremony? Yes, and it was for brand new college graduates. The witness was their headmaster. Isn’t it great? Schedule two important time periods of their whole lives together. This happened at China University of Minning and Techonology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province on this 12th.

It is so great, because most student lovers will break up or finally break up if they graduate from university and get jobs in different cities. For those couples in the picture, they are lucky to make an effort to remain their relationship.

Jun 15, 2012 14:31
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It's a new trend, Raindrop. Unlike in my country, majority of the Chinese mainland specify to buy a house before marriage, and I'm sure these university graduates are yet to have steady or permanent jobs, unless they are from rich families.
Jun 19, 2012 01:29
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Great Wan, you know clearly the Chinese people and Chinese trend! I was not thinking about this when I post this thread. You are right, to buy a house before marriage is good, but only applicable for rich people. I will probably get married before paying for a house in near future.
Jun 21, 2012 03:34
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In my locality we don't subscribe to buying house before marriage because we know how much one earns after finishing school, college or university, and how stable is one's income. Therefore one gets married and rent a house. After working a few years, then his income is stable and may start to find a house through either government or bank loans.

The pressure won't be so much for him. But if he is from a rich family, he may buy a house before marriage.

Jun 24, 2012 03:25
Let's see how many of them are still together five years later. The relationship in colleges is pure. It might be polluted when you are out of college.
Jun 24, 2012 11:54
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I sincerely hope that their marriage would be intact for the rest of their lives.
Jun 25, 2012 22:19

Originally Posted by WANHU

I sincerely hope that their marriage would be intact for the rest of their lives.

My wish too. But I still have doubts. Many lovers in my college broke up when they graduated. One of my roommates remained single in the first two years. In the third year of his college life, he thought it would be a pity if he didn't have a girlfriend in college. Then he started to seek a girlfriend. Eventually, he succeeded and spent romantic time with her. At the end of the fourth year, they broke up because my roommate went to work in Shenzhen and his girlfriend went back to her hometown and became a teacher.
Jun 27, 2012 03:34
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It's a trend in college and university to find girlfriend-boyfriend, just a life of convenience, some of them never look at responsibility, integrity and respect.
Jun 27, 2012 22:06

Originally Posted by WANHU

It's a trend in college and university to find girlfriend-boyfriend, just a life of convenience, some of them never look at responsibility, integrity and respect.

Both girls and boys enjoyed their good time and then broke up before they graduate. Maybe, they all know there will be an end before getting together.
Jun 27, 2012 23:21
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Originally Posted by LONELYJOURNEY

Maybe, they all know there will be an end before getting together.

It is unbelievable~
Jul 10, 2012 18:57
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Whatever starts will end. Hopefully it will be a good ending.
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