Red date yoghurt
Dec 13, 2012 13:39
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Lonely, generally general buyers think Tinkpad is US IBM while Lenovo is Chinese brand.
Dec 16, 2012 20:11

Originally Posted by WANHU

Lonely, generally general buyers think Tinkpad is US IBM while Lenovo is Chinese brand.


Lenovo acquired IBM Computer Department in 2004. From 2004 to 2008, Lenovo still used IBM logo. Since 2009, Lenovo has prohibited to use IBM logo BUT Thinkpad brand can be used. Lenovo has created its new brand Lenovo.

IBM is very smart. They might have predicted laptop business will degrade in the future. Thus, they sold its computer department to Lenovo. Today, all kinds of pads and smart phones are much more popular than laptops.

Those IBM laptop fans are disappointed at Lenovo. They think Lenovo has ruined IBM laptops. Lenovo has created many kinds of thnkpad laptops. The design has been changed. Even the classic keyboard and bracket are gone. Look at the SL series. They have nothing same as previous thinkpad laptops.

The only thing Lenovo did right is that Thinkpad laptop prices have been lowered. In order to keep the low prices, some materials have been replaced.

I was lucky. Mine is R400. It looks heavy and clumsy compared with those pads or newly-designed Thinkpads. But it is equipped with classic keyboard and bracket used to protect the main board. Although three years has passed, it still can satisfy me. I don’t use it to play e-games. Instead, I use it to watch movies and deal with documents and photos. It works fast. Photoshop 4 works smoothly on it.

You know, the only thing I am disappointed at is its battery. Lenovo’s battery for medium and low-level laptops is really disgusting. It is sold very expensively but usually breaks down after its one year guarantee period ends. Currently, my R400 works like a desktop at home.
Dec 18, 2012 00:12
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Lonely, I have used several laptops (notebooks) of various brands, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Dell, Asus, HP as well as Acer but never IBM accept for its desktop. Well, after all, Apple and IBM are the original versions. These lapstop brands have their ups and downs. Asus may be a good brand with longer battery life but its after sales (in Kuala Lumpur) not very good. Acer keeps on changing models by the time a year lapses, the model I bought has become almost obsolete. Dell has come out with its 12.5" true HD but you need to call its support service as it is 200km away, need to wait. Apple? A good product that seldom gets virus infection but its software is very limited unless you go for graphics.
Dec 19, 2012 01:49
I have two Thinkpads, both made by Lenovo. The first one is X200. I lost it in a KFC. Someone walked over to me and asked me for direction. His partner took my laptop away though they didn't take my laptop bag.

The second one is R400. I should say I love it very much. It looks beautiful in my eyes and works perfectly. Unfortunately, Lenovo announced that R series wouldn't be made since 2010. I am worried that someday it might break down and I couldn't find components to fix it.

I used to help my female colleagues buy laptops. But I decline to help any female buy laptops. The only thing they care about is the laptop's surface. Many choose white or colorful ones. They never care about its performance and configuration.

Apple is very nice. But it is too expensive. I can't afford to buy it.
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