Chinese copycats!!!!
Jun 27, 2012 03:08
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I am not sure how many of you have watched ‘Social Network’. It a movie about Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook’s founder) and resulting lawsuits. In 2004, Mark Zukerberg created a website called Facemash which allows users to rate the attractiveness of female students using photographs pilfered from various university systems. This is depicted in the movie.

This month, a Chinese website created by a Chinese college student has been in dispute. It totally imitates Facemash which allows its users to search and rate the most beautiful girls in a Chinese university.

According to the news report, the website administrator hacked the university’s website and gained all the students’ photo files. Many students write emails to the website, requiring the administrator to shut down his website because their privacy has been invaded. So far, they haven’t received any response from the website.

See, the website owner is smart. He easily hacked the university’s website but he shouldn’t have copied Mark Zukerberg’s idea and invaded others’ privacy.

What’s more, Chinese people are very good copycats. If you are familiar with those Chinese internet giants, you will find that they almost copy ideas and success from foreign countries. Take Sina Weibo for example, it has gained great success in China. But it also copies from Twitter.

Why can’t we have our own creative and successful internet companies? Why are we always copycats?
Jul 3, 2012 13:31
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When Henry Ford created cars... are today's cars copycats too?
Jul 4, 2012 21:46
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Originally Posted by WANHU

When Henry Ford created cars... are today's cars copycats too?

Good question, Wan. There are many car makers but their cars have their own characteristics. I will make my opinion clear by taking for example.

It is a SNS website like facebook. Recently, I installed its APP to my android cellphone. I noticed that its layout and even color resemble the Facebook. Disgusting!

It is ok that you follow FACEBOOK to build a SNS website but you shouldn't copy everything from FACEBOOK.
Jul 5, 2012 19:31
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Some people are not creative, thus they just follow what others have created. Now people talk about intellectual properties. A friend of mine bought a suit same as mine that I made at a tailor 10 years ago. Is it a copycat too? It is not. But if I like your shirt, can I copy it and make it exactly as yours without your approval? It's also a copycat. Anyway we abhor and detest stealing of other people's creation.
Jul 5, 2012 22:55
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Well, there is a difference between "i like your shirt, where can i buy it?" Or "I like your shirt, lets change one colour and we sell it"
As soon as it is about money or similar, people go crazy. Sure we need to copy others to advance, but if they even have the same colours and interface, etc. that's too much. It would be similar, as if you would write an essay for 5 months, and someone comes and says "oh it looks good, let me copy it and change some names" How do you feel? You did the work and he get's it for free? Someone you dont know?
Jul 8, 2012 01:12
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Originally Posted by WANHU View Post

Some people are not creative, thus they just follow what others have created. Now people talk about intellectual properties. A friend of mine bought a suit same as mine that I made at a tailor 10 years ago. Is it a copycat too? It is not. But if I like your shirt, can I copy it and make it exactly as yours without your approval? It's also a ...

Wan, it wasn't a copycat if his suit and yours were made by the same tailor. However, the suits look very similar and it is difficult to tell the difference.
Jul 10, 2012 12:05
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Great thinkers may think alike.
Jul 15, 2012 03:20
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Great thinkers may think alike.

The copycats are not 'great thinkers'. They never produced any new things but just copied other people's ideas.

Why can't they produce ipad before Apple made it?
Jul 15, 2012 15:45
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Apple probably copied from someone too.
Jul 15, 2012 21:47
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Apple probably copied from someone too.

Haha, it might be possible. Wan, did you see any duplicate iphone in Shenzhen? Do you think those who make duplicate iphones are copycats?
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