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Sep 24, 2012 21:22

Originally Posted by WANHU

Anyway, education is very important and it should start from young. Instead of spending millions on international sports, the money should be channelled for these young students by providing them basic infrastructure. I agree with you Lonely.


In fact, China has done a lot to develop education. Right now, the students who receive nine-year compulsory education needn’t pay for the books they use. They can also have an egg and a bag of milk every morning for free. When I was in primary and middle school, I had to pay for the books and there wasn’t free breakfast.

It is those corrupted officials who didn’t follow the central government’s policies very well.
Oct 5, 2012 10:54
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The Central Govt Officials do not know about the corrupt practice or just close a blind eye?
Oct 6, 2012 03:50

Originally Posted by WANHU

The Central Govt Officials do not know about the corrupt practice or just close a blind eye?

I do not know because the central government is far away from me. Wan, how do your country to deal with corruption?
Oct 9, 2012 13:44
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We have a body named Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) that deals with corruption set jup by the government under the Acts of Parliament and the government is being scrutinised by the people with five-year term where people decide what kind of government they want. If they don't perform, they will lose in the general election. We have continuous improvements in the government sector, for example application for passport, before was 30 days then 14 days. To get faster passport probably people may pay to certain officers. Now passport can be picked up after one hour.
Oct 9, 2012 22:46

I will stop talking about political things here. I guess I already "crossed the border". Let's talk about something else. China has implemented nine years compulsory education. Does Malaysia adopt the similar measure?
Oct 10, 2012 03:32
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Continuous improvements are not politics but rather good governance, something can be practised in any kind of political ideology. There is no compulsory education in Malaysia, meaning if you don't go to school you won't be punished. For primary level, the school starts at the age of 7 and ends at 12 (6 years), then secondary school that starts at the age of 13 and ends at 17 (5 years). The 5th year of the secondary school is the crucial part where students will undergo major examination called Malaysia Certificate of Education which was formerly under General Certificate of Education (GCE O-Level) of the University of Cambridge Examination Syndicate.

If the students secure excellent results in this examination, they can further their studies at local universities or abroad, usually in UK, USA and Australia. Those do not fare very well, may continue to A-Level (high school) for another two years for direct entrance to university for an undergraduate study, if they obtain good results.

Oct 14, 2012 04:17

The education in Malaysia is different from that in China. The nine years compulsory education in China requires that students have to undergo primary and junior middle school. Then some of the will continue their high school study. Their goal is to enter college for further study. Now more and more high school students prefer to continue their college study abroad.

In fact, graduates from junior middle school can enter Technical Secondary Schools to study a skill. But fewer students choose to learn at such a school. They all want to enter high schools and then enter colleges.
Oct 14, 2012 15:25
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Technical school is good, it provides certain skills for students who are creative. Most of the time the parents decide what their children should study instead of looking at the ability of their children.
Oct 16, 2012 04:16
You know why the parents don't want their kids to study at technical schools? They won't let their kids to do hard jobs. Working in a workshop or factory is unbearable to them.
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