Four Chinese girls shave their heads to protest against unfair university enrolling system
Oct 10, 2012 22:03
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Those representatives and president of the Student Union will earn extra credit. You know, students who fail to earn enough credits won't graduate from colleges in China. On the other hand, their experience in the Student Union will give some advantages in finding jobs. The enterprises think these people have better ability than ordinary students.
Oct 14, 2012 14:40
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The companies will know the true colour of these employees during their annual assessment. Don't you think so?
Oct 14, 2012 21:28
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Originally Posted by WANHU

The companies will know the true colour of these employees during their annual assessment. Don't you think so?


Some companies need some staff who are good at dealing with interpersonal relations. If they need professional one with professional knowledge, the HR's focus will not be on how many activities they participate in.

Anyway, you can enter a company with "good decorated" resume. But the company will know your ability sooner or later.
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