How do you tell the differences among quadruplets?
Sep 6, 2012 22:04
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Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the boys really wear “number” hair styles? Haha, there is nothing wrong with your eyes. The boys were indeed “numbered” so by their mom, in order of birth. It is to help the boys’ teachers and schoolmates to tell them apart, for they are quadruplets and just began school life recently. A clever and considerate mom.

Sep 8, 2012 07:36
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So they are identical quadruplets.
Sep 10, 2012 04:16
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Numbers on the head isn't the best way. What if they grow up? They will have their own thoughts on their hair styles. I guess tattoo is better.
Sep 11, 2012 03:43
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Yes, and where to put the tattoo? On the forehead? Haha
Sep 13, 2012 22:24
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Yes, and where to put the tattoo? On the forehead? Haha

On the forehead? you remind me of Bao Zheng (包拯) who is an official in Northern Song Dynasty.

Sep 16, 2012 13:14
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Dear Raindrop, I used to watch this series, including the young Bao series too. I wonder did he marry that princess.
Sep 17, 2012 01:38
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Yes, and where to put the tattoo? On the forehead? Haha

On the foot. People won't pay much attention to other people's feet. If on the heads, the four kids will be laughed by others. Of course I know you are kidding.
Oct 25, 2012 22:18
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Dear Raindrop, I used to watch this series, including the young Bao series too. I wonder did he marry that princess.

Wan, the series has an open ending and give us an imagenation that they are togehter. As what I remember, they both go back to the brothel and live happily as when Bao Zheng lost his memory.
Oct 25, 2012 22:21
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Originally Posted by SUNNYDREAM

On the foot. People won't pay much attention to other people's feet. If on the heads, the four kids will be laughed by others. Of course I know you are kidding.

Then, how can we distinguish them in daily life? taking off their shoes? I am kidding too.
Oct 27, 2012 04:53
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One of my sister married to one of the twins, they are so alike that she can not tell them apart in the first year of marriage. Now, her husband is putting on some weight in order to be "unique"
Oct 28, 2012 01:56

Originally Posted by LAUGH

One of my sister married to one of the twins, they are so alike that she can not tell them apart in the first year of marriage. Now, her husband is putting on some weight in order to be "unique"

It's really dangerous, Laugh. What if her husband's brother pretend to be her husband?
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