Anti-Japanese Movement 2012
Oct 6, 2012 21:08

Originally Posted by COOLSPRINGS

toyota and mazda almost shrink at a half in short time in chinese mkt and are dying now...haha...

If they go bankrupt, how many works will lose jobs? The Chinese workers who work for those Japanese car factories are just ordinary people. They need to make a living.
Oct 7, 2012 08:25
GUEST70194 They are rechanelling to China nation wide job, i.e., e-commerce which is a safe haven to make a living even though it is with low rate of return with low risk ...haha.. but for sure Jps products are not included in their e-marketing list.


Oct 7, 2012 20:26
GUESTLEE In fact, China and Japan have close ties on economy. No matter who starts economy war, both sides will suffer a lot.

I guess that both sides have realized the consequence of the war. That's why they don't start the war immediately.
Oct 8, 2012 19:47
GUESTWWW guest lee. u r far behind in looking at china development. ordinary chinese rarely are attatched to jp products in their daily life and jp corp revenue keep plunging drasticly now n they are start replanning where to go to avoid collaps
guest. nobody says theres gonna be a blood shedding war rather its a chinese nations economic fundamental restructure...nobody can stop china from going forward . the other power in the west dont like to see the way china progress so steadily n solidly seeking rebalancing by going back asia pacific...this is human nature n the same goes with relations among individules...
guestlee. what kind of biz are u in with jp...if u think its unspeakable. u r not oblidgedto answer. jp product has substitute which is even better in every single biz line including the unspeakable one...

take care guest lee

Oct 8, 2012 21:36
GUESTLEE Guestwww,

Are you a Chinese? I am a Chinese. Yes, China has made great development in these years. But it is still far behind other developed nations in the world.

Take auto industry for example. China is able to produce engines. But high-end cars never use Made in China engines. Their engines are imported abroad. What’s more, many manufactures just learns technology from Mitsubishi. They do not have their own technologies.

“guestlee. what kind of biz are u in with jp...if u think its unspeakable. u r not obliged to answer. jp product has substitute which is even better in every single biz line including the unspeakable one...”

I need to clarify that I am not a businessman. I am just an ordinary Chinese guy who works everyday to make a living.

A blood shedding war may not happen immediately as someone expected. If it really happens, the “World Police” will be very happy. Why? Their strategy works.
Oct 9, 2012 21:54
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''Mitsubishi''? Guestlee do u like toy car? If so, I recommend you Volkswagen Golf that is very popular in big city back in China a decade ago the same with Audi if u need bigger size. Guestlee plz check out how long Volkswagem amd Audi have been produced in China from inside out before u uttering something.
Oct 10, 2012 21:19

Originally Posted by SWANSEA

''Mitsubishi''? Guestlee do u like toy car? If so, I recommend you Volkswagen Golf that is very popular in big city back in China a decade ago the same with Audi if u need bigger size. Guestlee plz check out how long Volkswagem amd Audi have been produced in China from inside out before u uttering something.<br />

I think you need do some researches on cars. Japan does not only produce cars but also car parts for many manufactures in the world, especially the electronics. Are you 100 percent sure that Volkswagen doesn't use any parts made in Japan in their cars?

I am guestlee.
Oct 10, 2012 22:19
GUESTWOMA dealer is gonna be bankrupt selling cars with parts manufactured n deliverred from abroad...lee . u gotta be tired coz u r uttering something lack of common sense...

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