Can you see the differences between westerners and Chinese people?
Oct 14, 2012 22:58
No.12 At the tourist spots.

Oct 14, 2012 22:59
No. 13 "what is sexy" in their eyes

Oct 14, 2012 23:00
No.14 When they meet a problem

Oct 14, 2012 23:00
No.15 Meals

Last edited by LONELYJOURNEY: Oct 14, 2012 23:01
Oct 17, 2012 03:29
No.16 When foreigners use cars, we use bikes. When they begin to use bikes, we use cars widely.

Oct 17, 2012 03:30
No.17 When we become old men.

Oct 17, 2012 03:31
No.18 When to take a shower?

Oct 17, 2012 03:33
No. 19 Mood and weather

Oct 17, 2012 03:35
No.20 Leaders in their eyes

Oct 17, 2012 03:39
No.21 Foreigners learn to use chosticks and Chinese people learn to knife and fork.

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