Are Chinese tourists notorious?
Nov 4, 2012 01:48
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Originally Posted by WANHU

The man was an architect that resides in Sanya. He doesn't buy apartment(s) but rather condominiums and bungalows.

Did you mean he bought condominiums and bungalows in Malaysia? Thanks to urbanization, most peasants move from their bungalows to high buildings. The conditions in their new houses are better and comfortable. At least, they have heating systems in the new houses. But many peasants haven't been used to their new lives. In their old houses, they have bigger space and can easily chat with their neighbors. And they needn't climb the steps or use the elevator.

My aunt is one of them. Her family moves to the new apartment which is on the 15th floor. She told me that she felt dizzy when she was on the elevator.
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