Freaking mama!
Nov 28, 2012 02:41
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Shopping season is coming soon. Mrs. Zhang gave birth to her baby in the US two months ago. According to her initial plan, she will come back to China very soon. However, she changed her plan after hearing that the shopping season was coming soon.

Mrs. Zhang's new plan is to stay for a month and buy whatever she can. Sher shopping includes breast pump, baby food warmer, feeding and storing bottles, baby clean products and even alcohol-cotton cases.

You know, Chinese moms don't believe their own dairy manufactures after melamine scandal. Thus, young moms start to buy milk powder, bottles and other baby necessities abroad. Mrs. Zhang is no exception. Except the above stuff, she is planning to buy 40 cans milk powder for babies over 1 year old, 10 boxes of diapers, 1 infant car seat and 1 child car seats, a crib, a feeding chair, a baby carriage, shoes and socks for different ages (probably 300 pieces in all), 50 pieces of toys for babies below 2 years old and 30 pieces for those below 3 years old.

Aside form the baby’s things, she is to buy luxurious clothes, bags and shoes for her husband (approximately 100 pieces) and around 100 bottles vitamin and other health care products for her parents. She also wants to buy some gift for her relatives and friends.

How can she bring these things back to China? Don’t worry. She already contacted a shipping company to reserve a container for her.
Nov 29, 2012 21:29
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You gotta be kidding. It could happen 30 years ago but today it goes the other way round execpt that Chinese in big city still prefer cosmetics, chocolates, candies and wine that is much cheaper bought overseas than the imported ones bought at home because of heavy import levy.
Dec 1, 2012 21:54
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You have to be aware that what she bought are the babies' things. Many moms around me start buying babies' things abroad, such as feeing bottles, milk powder and babies' clothes.

My friend Ann is expecting her baby next Feb. She bought feeding bottles from the US. It is still cheaper than that sold in China including the shipping fee. What's more important is, the quality is guaranteed. Chinese moms don't believe those products made in China any more because of their low quality. By the way, these things won't be taxed if the quantity is within the limitation.

Mrs. Zhang must be very rich. Check the things what she planned to buy. The tax isn't a big deal for her.

Dec 2, 2012 21:11
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hold on second, raindrop. before shipping by sea for a whole container. better check with. customs process...and which part of china is zhang far as comsumption goods go in can be called abundant with each product line ranging from high end to low end...if she was rich as u said..why not bother sea shipping instead of buying imported foreighn ones in china...still i would like to mention to u .. china does plant to develop their own lux products to stop home demanding of high ends from going abroad..
Dec 8, 2012 11:30
GUEST24212 I'm asked to bring vitamins whenever I come to China. But how many can I carry? Not enough.
Last time I came to china I was asked to bring some Gerber baby's food too. Come on food?
Dec 9, 2012 01:29
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...if she was rich as u said..why not bother sea shipping instead of buying imported foreighn ones in china.

Some things can not be bought in China because they are not imported. This isn't the key. The key is the product quality. If you were a Chinese parent who have been scared by melamine, BPA and milk powder quality problems, you would not feel weird when hearing Mrs. Zhang buys so many things abroad.
Dec 9, 2012 08:02
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Originally Posted by RAINDROP View Post

Marrie, <br />
<br />
...if she was rich as u said..why not bother sea shipping instead of buying imported foreighn ones in china.<br />
<br />
Some things can not be bought in China because they are not imported. This isn't the key. The key is the product quality. If you were a Chinese parent who have been scared by melamine, BPA ...

Raindrop, did you see my post in Economic section regarding today's corruption among communist party officials. This is from communist party official media. To tell you the truth, such corruption like poison food, corrupted CCP members have been there for a long time until Chinese media supervision starts to run because corruption has been put the whole nation development on the edge...

However, different regions have different levels of maturity of development..people in developed areas of China cannot feel the happenings in less developed inner areas and they just heard something thru people from inner areas and official media til today..

Still, Ms Zhang has no needs to buy overseas because most people in big city just buy Holland dairy products and German Heinz for their babies and they are just affordable to them ..
Last edited by MARRIE: Dec 9, 2012 08:05
Dec 9, 2012 19:46
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Honestly, I am glad that those corrupted officials have been punished. I wish all corrupted officials would have been punished. I occasionally learnt about Transparency International. It uses corruption perceptions index to measure all the countries' corruption. According to their latest data, China ranks 80 in 176 countries. New Zealand, Denmark and Finland are tied for the first place.

You can see how serious the situation is.

Marrie, some foreign invested corps produce their products in China. Their product quality is in accordance to the related Chinese product quality law. Unfortunately, the Chinese quality standards are lower than those in foreign countries.

After the Sanlu melamine incident, China revises regulations on milk quality. The farm milk safety standards are not improved. Instead, the related indexes are even lower than those regulated in 1986. Some people call it 'retrogression'.

Chinese parents are not confident in the National Standard of China. Thus, they choose to buy Made in USA, Made in Germany, Made in Holland..... They believe that the national standards of foreign countries are higher than that of China.

Take infant fomula milk powder for example. Some foreign corps import materials and produce in China while some bring formula milk powder to China and load them in cans here. This kind of milk powder is sold cheaper than the pure imported with original packing.
Dec 10, 2012 22:29
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Raindrop, I heard in Denmark, one butcher store owner was penalized by life-time biz liscence suspending due to selling contaminated meat

what i post in economic section is old info, if u have listening skills in Chinese, u would find Chinese media is way opener than u can immagin in critics of social and political issues in Chinese networking TVs ...and it's suggested the supervisory system be set up totally independent from CPP org...

the corruption been there since opening to the outside door and focused in , not to mention remote and autonomous regtions, Northeast china, si chuan province and guandong province due to various reasons like culture, customs, ecomomics...but u never underestimate CCP even Chinese people,they know how to do when practicing and learning, DON'T behave like a loser always complaining..!
Dec 11, 2012 20:33
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Chinese media is not as open as you thought. Sometimes, they are prohibited to report some news even the public already learns about it.

"I heard in Denmark, one butcher store owner was penalized by life-time biz liscence suspending due to selling contaminated meat."

This can never happen in China. I am not sure if you heard about Shuang Hui. It is one of the biggest meat manufacture. Last year, it was disclosed that Shuang Hui was found to buy pigs fed with Clenobuterol hydrochloride. At last, 113 people was punished. But Shuang Hui doesn't receieve any severe punishement. Their license isn't suspended and they keep producing meat.

"DON'T behave like a loser always complaining..!"

I am not a loser. I just told what happened in China. You are not a Chinese and don't live in China. By the way, you didn't experience anything bad here. It is easier for you to say anything you like.
Dec 11, 2012 21:35
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Probabaly Chinese media is not so free as how I thought it to be, but how do you know the PIG scandal, by media or something else? The other side of free speech is lying on purpose for biz profits where we have knowledge of that if we are not as clueless.
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