Group wedding at the kindergarten
Feb 7, 2013 20:59
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Too many competitors and competitions dear Raindrop. Some of my friends in Guangzhou prefer to be interpreters than doing sales. They create personal contacts.

Why not do sales? Salesmen earn more than interpreters as long as they work hard.
Feb 9, 2013 10:59
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It depends what kind of products, Raindrop. Some products have stiff competition thus not easy to find new customers.
Feb 17, 2013 01:34
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Originally Posted by WANHU

It depends what kind of products, Raindrop. Some products have stiff competition thus not easy to find new customers.

Yes, you are right. I can't be a good salesman but I can be a good customer service consultant.
Feb 20, 2013 10:41
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Dear Raindrop, may be you can disseminate a few tips.
Feb 20, 2013 21:23
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Dear Raindrop, may be you can disseminate a few tips.

The most important tip is patience. Let me tell my friend's experience. She works for China Mobile. Her job is to pick up phones and anwer the customers' questions.

Sometimes, she meets some crazy men. They shout at her and say four letter words to her because they are dissatisfied with China Mobile's service. My friend is good tempered. But she is very angry when receving such calls. Although she curses them in mind, she can't shout at them. If she did, she will be punished. All she can do is comfort them and ease their anger.

If she didn't have patience, she would have fought back by cursing them verbally.

By the way, she tells me that a good customer service representative should always bear in mind "No matter what their customers say, they are always right".
Feb 22, 2013 00:21
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Perhaps we can show them that they are wrong, in a polite way? Make the customers understand that these customer relation officers are to receive their complaints and not their anger or abusive words.
Feb 26, 2013 01:20
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When you pick up the customers' phone, your conversation starts to be recorded. Some unreasonable customers will make complaints to your manager. If they did, you would be fined or face other punishment. The manager doesn't care whether the customers abuse you or not. They just hope they won't receive complaints from the customers.
Mar 1, 2013 02:45
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True, it's the company's policy (I think) but that doesn't mean we can't diffuse their anger. Many people complain for the sake of complaining. For one isntance, a man went to the immigration counter to apply for the passport, and the immigration officer informed him that his passport would be ready in one hour. Then he clocked the counter of his stop watch. After 55 minutes, his name was called that his passport was ready. He still complained because the officer promised one hour and not 55 minutes!
Mar 5, 2013 02:11
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He should be thankful to the officers. If he meets a Chinese officer, he will be crazy. I don't he still complains after he gets his passport 5 minutes in advance. If I were him, I would be very happy.
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