Company Annual Dinner
Jan 18, 2013 21:27
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Recently, almost all companies in China treated or plan to treat their employees to an end of lunar year party. Many of my friends now are busy in programming their show and dance. So, you can imagine how busy the restaurants are in China now.

Conventionally, companies will reward selected employees and game winners. Do you know what those awards are? iPod, iPhone, iPad, itouch are common ones, some companies even award employees with money that equals to their 27 month salary, really attractive, right?

I checked online that this annual dinner culture was introduced from Taiwan, where they call it “尾牙”. How about in foreign countries? do you have any similar annual party in any form?
Jan 20, 2013 03:45
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I was unlucky. At our annual party, I won nothing though there were many prizes and gifts.
Jan 21, 2013 10:36
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Only companies but not goernment.
Jan 21, 2013 20:21
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Only companies but not goernment.

It is said that many local governments have canceled their annual celebrations. A news report says the hotels and restaurants they have booked have been canceled.
Jan 24, 2013 21:48
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Originally Posted by LAUGH

It is said that many local governments have canceled their annual celebrations. A news report says the hotels and restaurants they have booked have been canceled.

So, is there anything related with corruption here? Companies award their employee because they have done hard work to get profit for their company. For government staff, they enjoy many social benefits, so they should not ask for much if they have heart to serve people!
Jan 25, 2013 20:49
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Originally Posted by JIMMYB


I was unlucky. At our annual party, I won nothing though there were many prizes and gifts.

Me too, but lucky for me I have friends who share with me their luck and best wishes!

Good luck and great success in the coming New Year!
Jan 25, 2013 23:58
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Government departments should not have annual dinners paid from the government's coffers. It is OK if the dinners are paid by the departmental welfare clubs, or individuals. After all, these employees do have salary.
Jan 26, 2013 21:53
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Originally Posted by WANHU

Government departments should not have annual dinners paid from the government's coffers. It is OK if the dinners are paid by the departmental welfare clubs, or individuals. After all, these employees do have salary.

It's unclear how they paid for their luxurious dinners. My company afforded for all the cost of our annual dinner and prizes.
Jan 27, 2013 02:25
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With bonus(es) as per my case, we still can afford to have good dinner though not luxurious. There are of course certain allocations at the Ministrial and Departmental levels to hold luncheon for certain functions which will be audited annually. When we don't work for the government we do not know its procedures.
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