Why Single Western Males Go To China
Jun 12, 2013 09:32
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So I will be going to China for a long-term assignment within a matter of weeks. I have my personal goals, but my idiot friends think this is all about getting a wife or something. Well, the stereotype is out there. Is it true community?

Let's put it down for the record.

Last edited by KARELIA: Jun 12, 2013 09:33
Jun 15, 2013 01:00
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I am a Chinese girl. It's true that some foreigners come to China to seek for their wives. Why? Many Chinese girls prefer foreigners much more than Chinese men. Just like a Chinese old saying goes, 外来的和尚好念经. What does it mean? It has similar meaning with this sentence---A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.

Your friends who have that idea must know this phenomenon I said above. Anyway, you can pursue your own goals. Don't care about what other people think.
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