Two men share one woman together
Aug 29, 2013 01:44
  • CHERRY07
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What if you are involved in a love triangle? To fight your rival in love like cavalier? No, no, no. You might learn from these two Kenyans.

Two Kenyans fall in love with a widow who has two children. They once fought each other for her but no one quit. Whom has the widow chosen? Both. She doesn’t want to lose any of them. After four years’ love triangle, these two men decide to marry the widow together. They have signed an agreement. According to the agreement, they won’t fight for her anymore. Instead, they agree to take care of her and her children together. They also make out time schedules to stay with their wife. If one is at her home, the other won’t appear at the same time.

Do you know who comes up with this idea? It’s the local community policeman. He saw them fight for the widow and then suggested them sharing her together. So far, their marriage hasn’t been approved by local judicial department.

"If they can prove that polyandry is their old folk custom, their marriage will be approved legally.”, their lawyer says. Another lawyer who is familiar with marriage and family laws says polyandry is not prohibited in Kenya. However, a local says that two men signing an agreement to share one woman is really absurd and it’s against the local traditional culture.

One man’s boss learns that his employee shares one woman with another man. The angry boss fires him. However, this guy doesn’t regret for what he has done. “The temporary frustration can’t stop him persisting genuine love.”, he says.
Aug 31, 2013 23:43
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Dear Cherry, what if ten men fall in love with the same woman?
Sep 2, 2013 22:03
  • CHERRY07
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The key is the woman. She doesn't want to choose one from two. Instead, she chooses to stay with them two. If the woman agrees to maintain the relationship with ten men, then she can do it. But she should be prepared for the fights among them.
Sep 20, 2013 08:29
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The men agree to remain civil, then she may have ten children and each from one husband. Maybe need a DNA to prove who fathers her child.
Sep 21, 2013 22:31
  • CHERRY07
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I think she won't be bothered by whose fathers are her children. That's not a problem for her. To her, they are all her biological kids. It's a problem for her husbands. They need to do a DNA test to tell who are his child.
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