Retirement in China
Nov 8, 2015 20:21
GUEST66130 Go for Southern China, especially Guangdong Province.
Unless China Visa change, foreigners have to go out from mainland and re-enter every 60 days. If you live in Shenzhen, just go to Hong Kong and return, maybe it will take about one hour. Shenzhen is excellent for seniors to retire.
Apr 12, 2017 23:06
GUESTJOHN The visa for China is 10years right?
May 31, 2017 23:48
GUESTLARRY Follow up---This is Larry. Married her 7-years ago. She's in the US now with permanent green card. Marriage was a bit rough after the first year for a couple of years. Her not knowing anyone here, no relatives and living on a ranch far from the city vs her living in a large city as Shenzhen. But, we made do and all is going fine now. culture had a lot to do with it as well and not understanding the English language where one word could mean many different things due to there 'sound-alike manner. Such as hair, here.
Now, we are planning to sell the ranch and make a permanent move to China. We will keep our RV here in the US for when we want to come and visit and travel until it's time for me to hang up the keys. All my family and friends have mostly passed away and I now must concern myself for her. were I to die here, she would be almost lost. So, it is time to sell all and go back to China. There, when I die, she will be at home and less to worry or be concerned about.
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