My wonderful trip in Beijing 

Written by Aug 26, 2010 22:46
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Last week my family had a happy trip in China. It was a great tour with a lot of good experience, and the views were absolutely amazing. In Beijing i saw a modern city with a long history and culture. In the moring, many old man plays Taiji in the park. The Peking Roast Duck Banquet was delicious. I love the Hutong Tour, it's exciting. I was shocked by Kongfu Show. everything was for real. But the Peking-Opera was boring. I don't understand what they song. By the way, you can also see many beautiful ladies in the street.

Forbidden City
Hutong Tour
Kongfu Show
Lovely Girl in Muchu Clothes
Peking Roast Duck Banquet

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1. Free Guide on Bus919 NANCYMOON from Macau Aug 18, 2010 20:35
2. Terrible Hutong Tour with LIVINGINBEIJING from China Aug 14, 2010 08:51
3. Bus919 CARDRIVER from Philippines Aug 12, 2010 04:11
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