Visiting the Great Wall

Written by Aug 28, 2010 18:58
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Before you visit China and the Great Wall (Badaling), it is important that you try to get in rather reasonable shape before you get there as it would be a shame to go all that way and not be able to make it to the "top" of the Wall because you are too out-of-shape.

One side is short and steeper than the other so when you get there, choose the side easiest for you. There are handrails but still, the climbs are done on a combination of angled smooth surfaces and stairs that do not conform to any required height. So, some stairs will be taller than others. (See TCG photos of the Badaling and note the angles of climb)

If you can not walk very well on inclines, you may want to ask TCG to suggest a part of the wall that meets your phyical condition. Badaling is not the only part of the Wall you can visit. We went to another part of the wall in the late afternoon, after visiting the Eastern Tombs, and we were the only ones there!

The views were great, it was quiet and maybe the best kept Great Wall tour secret!

 More Great Wall Travel Reviews
1. My Adventure to Jiankou Great Wall CELIANA from China Aug 25, 2010 04:27
2. My Trip to Badaling Great Wall TRAVELTOTHEWALLS from Italy Jul 20, 2010 03:54
3. Climbing Simatai is Very Exhausting ROVER from Pakistan Jul 12, 2010 22:58
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