one day tour in Qingdao with Austrilian Tourist

Written by Jul 5, 2012 01:02
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Mr. F, Austrilian, has been building business in China for years, and this time he had one day left before heading back to his family.

So we met at the May Fourth Square, took a walk along the sea and discussed our route today in Starbucks.

Then we headed to the Eight Great Passes.the cozy breez and clear seaview was astonishing.

We grabbed a quick lunch and visited Taiqing Gong, where was fully packed with tourists and burning candles.-typical spot of a Chinese temple.

Heading to the west old town, we directly went to the underground shopping mall: Longshan Binguan, then Jimo Road. He bought so many stuff for his family and friends, especially his lovely children. we had a great time bargaining with the local salesperson, and came out with a big smile on our faces.

since Mr F had an early flight to catch, he went back to hotel at six pm.
The tour was pleasant and fun.

if you are looking for someone to bargain with you, let me know


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