
Qingdao Travel Reviews

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Jan 21, 2014 20:55

I find Qingdao to be much like Northern California. In addition to being very scenic, the people are friendly, the food is wonderful, and a surprising number of the residents speak at least some English.

It is no wonder Qingdao has been voted "Most Livable City in China. ... Details

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Jul 5, 2012 01:28

Little Qingdao Isle
Located to the southeast of Zhanqiao Pier, Xiaoqingdao Island is a pleasant little islet. Connectting with the land by a narrow way, it’s been one of the symbols of Qingdao. A bird’s eye view of the island reveals that it is shaped like an ancient lute, and hence ... Details

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Jul 5, 2012 01:12

In early June, two customers from New Zealand arrived in Qingdao Crown Plaza Hotel. During the two days tour, we visited most of the natural spots in Qingdao: in old town area, like the Zhanqiao Pier, Small Qingdao, Xiao Yu Shan, Zhongshan Rd, German street, TV tower, the Brewery Museum, St. Michael's ... Details

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Jul 5, 2012 01:02

Mr. F, Austrilian, has been building business in China for years, and this time he had one day left before heading back to his family.

So we met at the May Fourth Square, took a walk along the sea and discussed our route today in Starbucks.

Then we headed to the Eight Great Passes. ... Details

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Jun 30, 2011 22:24

Summer is coming and the temperature is getting higher and higher day by day. where to spend your summer holiday this year? I recommend Qingdao, for Qingdao has a mild climate, whose average temperature of the hottest august is only 25.1C. It is a popular summer resort and reputed as 'Eastern ... Details

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Jan 31, 2010 19:34

I arrived at Qingdao Liuting Airport at about 17:00 o’clock from Hangzhou. As soon as I got out of the plane, I took a deep breath, feeling so clean. My guide Nancy picked up me from the airport to the Shangri-La Hotel located at the business center directly. It just took us about 40 minutes ... Details

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Jul 29, 2007 01:34

Though there are many beautiful and interesting cities across the expansive land of China, Qingdao with its unique blending of East and West is probably my favorite. Graced by timeless European architecture and modern Chinese charm, both the city and the people who live there exemplify an eclectic ... Details

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Dec 19, 2006 11:12

Beijing – Qingdao
Mode of transport: Train (hard seat)
Cost: 120 RMB
Duration: approx 8 hours

If you have never endured a night on one of the spanking new trains in China, you will never understand what all this fuss is about. After all, the train is air-conditioned and the seats ... Details

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Oct 10, 2006 09:10

I almost never travel with a guide, but I'd have been a fool not to say yes to Rita Li. Effortlessly classy and feminine to the core, she enchanted men without promise and maintained her grace without compromise. Rita could still hold a man's attention even after she left the room, and yet was endowed ... Details

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Jan 4, 2005 20:01

Qingdao, home of the eponymous beer, safe swimming beaches, beautiful Cathedral and so many sea-food restaurants you won't know which way to turn.Stand at the end of the pier after dusk with just about the whole local population and take in the lapping waves and remember the sea-mist of the morning ... Details

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