Da Vince Code
May 28, 2006 07:01
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The movie is pretty good! I saw it today, never read the book.:)
May 28, 2006 10:30
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I have watched the movie last night,it is nice!But I disagree its opinion of christian.
May 28, 2006 20:00
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I am reading this novel. It is interesting.

But it is with so much religious background information, therefore I think that it maybe a little difficult for Chinese to understand it.
May 28, 2006 20:23
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You should read more christian books,LOL~~~~~~
May 28, 2006 20:23
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Coincidentally there is also a documentary on Cables of the Secret Gospel of Judas Iscariot. Watch and read all these with an open mind - they are interesting. Believe or not, it is up to the individuals. Faith is faith - no place for logics.
Nov 25, 2010 22:35
GUEST36251 The book was great! Brilliant! Everyhting that's good known to mankind!!
Apr 19, 2013 06:31
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I have this movie.. This is really interesting.
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