Is that right or wrong? | |
Oct 27, 2006 04:30 | |
![]() | We can still see the jinrick-shaw running slowly in the streets of China nowadays. I'm always reluctant to take the ride of that kind of vehicle. 'coz I just feel uncomfortable to see the wheelers working so exhausted to ride the bikes. But, what my friend said put me into a dilemma that is if you wish others also refuse to take that kind of vehicle like you, which actually means you hope the wheelers can not make enough money to live on. Same confusion I had when I traveled to Mt. Huang, a few haughty chunky rich Chinese mid-age guys were sitting on the crane chair which were lifted by some old age Chinese labors. It’s quite annoying to see them directing the heavers rudely while taking that riding on the steep mountain. Do you think is inhuman or not to take the jinrick-shaw? Is that right or wrong? |
Oct 27, 2006 07:26 | |
![]() | I can understand your feeling. Your friend is probably right. They do need customers. These rick-shawman have seen all types of customers. Perhaps a kind customer with a generous tip will make their day. |
Oct 27, 2006 17:36 | |
![]() | the feelings is actually inhuman. I once took a horse ride and that already make me feel bad not to mention human. But that is their main source of income. What to do? Perhap, the chinese government should bring up the standard of living. Their are always arrogant ppl who think that the are somebody with money and damned stingy. Forget about tips from these ppl. If u ask me to take such a ride, I would rather walk.![]() |
Oct 27, 2006 21:13 | |
![]() | HI Alice A pertinent question. Speaking for myself I often use these rickshaws and have never felt guilty about it. I usually use them for short journeys and have had many interesting chats with the pedallers/drivers. I must say none of whom have seemed 'unhappy' in their work. The lovely rickshaw driver, who used his own feet above and beyond the call of duty when I was travelling Jilin not only got over double what he asked from me at the end, but also roped me into a trip with a friend of his, thus making money for him too. I have seen people using the bamboo chairs and being lifted up the mountains. In fact, I would never do this because I can't imagine not walking up a mountain.... if I couldn't walk with my own 2 feet I wouldn't go there. But again, this is how these men make their living, who are we either to judge that it is beneath them or to say that they don't enjoy it. Has anyone stopped and asked them ? People who are rude to anyone are rude, fullstop. I have never seen this myself, usually it is the bamboo chair carriers who are yelling at us mountain walkers to get out of their way ;) I tend to believe more in the argument that by not using the rickshaws you are depriving someone of making a living. Even if your morals and principals for not taking a ride with them are sound. The alternative is to pay a taxi driver who is obviously richer, will charge you more and uses a vehicle which causes pollution. I want to quote 'Desiderata' here because I think the lines fit... "Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time." Last of all. A couple of weeks ago I was climbing Tianmushan in Zhejiang with an American teacher. At many times we were offered a ride, by the grinning bamboo chair carriers, but always refused. At one place, my friend asked me if I would ask the carriers if he could have a go at carrying the chair with them. So I did and they agreed. A small child was in the chair. My friend could barely lift it and much enjoyment ensued. We were both left with great respect for the power and strength of these carriers and their nimble and swift negotiation of the mountain. |
Oct 28, 2006 00:55 | |
![]() | Is the bamboo chair called Hua Gan Er in chinese??? |
Oct 28, 2006 06:06 | |
![]() | Right or wrong ? Am not sure. But I have taken these rides and was partly carried up HuangShan too - just earlier this year. Yes, I feel sorry for them but they were feeling sorry for me too -huffing & puffing my way uo on foot, breathless. I wouldn't have reached where I wanted without their help for which I cointributed 150 yuan for their maybe 7-10 mins' work. I also rode those rickshaw in Chengdu. Think it that way - that was probably their best way to make a living. I helped them - otherwise I could've just walked. |
Oct 28, 2006 08:46 | |
![]() | The one u saw at Huangshan directing the sedan-chair carriers for us handicapped, hopefully was not me - hahaha ! No, I don't do that. It is a poor reflection of that person - not the carrier - a common behaviour of the "bao fa fu" |
Oct 28, 2006 15:14 | |
![]() | There is nothing wrong with the job that they are doing. It is the attitude of the users of their service that should be checked. Then in every sort of jobs, there are difficulties. I get abuses from my boss in office, too. |
Oct 29, 2006 00:27 | |
![]() | I’m not the kind of sensitive woman who likes to express sympathy that others don’t need at random. Actually, in the past, when one of my friends said the cleaners are very pitiful ‘coz they work a lot in early morning with such a low salary. I even retorted by saying that “how can you read their minds? Maybe they just enjoy the work in the morning, which means they can be free for almost whole day after a few hours working. But we got to be in office for at least 8 hours per day, haha…” Of course, I won’t do as what Lemoncactu supposed to stop and ask them, what kind of answer do you expect to get? Get the truth that maybe insults them, or a vague excuse that they would use to protect their self-esteem? |
Oct 29, 2006 20:48 | |
![]() | Rickshaw men or sedan chair carriers, that is their job and that is how they earn an honest living. We should support them by using their services. If you pity them then pay them more than what they ask. The worst we can do is not using their services. This deprive them of an earning. Until such time when China can provide each and every citizen a decent job and a better way of life, we should play our part by allowing these people to earn a living with our support. |
Oct 30, 2006 19:06 | |
![]() | I've taken these rides and enjoyed them. The driver never seemed unhappy. It is clearly hard work, but honest work. I figure by using their service I help them feed their family. IMO, that's a good thing. |
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