Chinese women on dating sites: theories/questions/opinions
Jul 5, 2009 20:48
GUEST11652 'As for looking for a different life, the single biggest factor why this is happening is because the Chinese men in China don't know how to treat their own women properly.' Thats is rubbish. Another form of stereotyping by wests and the racist ideas from ur home countries.
Jul 7, 2009 06:56
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Now now..Guest dont put yourself in a hypocrite position by saying westerners like to stereotype when you just finished calling wests racists. Racism has been around for centuries. LB
Jul 7, 2009 20:10
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Racism still exists and will continue do. There's nothing wrong to be proud of our way of looks and cultures. However, the one with parochial arrogance must be a loser.
Jul 10, 2009 08:11
GUEST16837 I am an Australian man (46) who is engaged to a Chinese woman (36). We have been together for 2 years (met by chance in China, not via dating site) and engaged for the past 7 months. I have travelled to China many times, speak reasonable Mandarin and really respect and understand the Chinese culture. I have been back in Australia for 10 weeks now establishing myself in a new job. My fiancee is supposed to arrive in 2 weeks time but has delayed that, and we intend to marry in mid September. The trouble is, there is something not quite right. It is something I have only come to notice quite recently. She is avoiding several of my phone calls (either doesn't answer or phone is turned off), sends emails from different locations, has her webcam turned off or claims it is broken when we chat online and often doesn't get home until 2.00am. I know she has a lot of friends but I am feeling quite uneasy and don't know what to do! She lives in Shenzhen. Any advice? What can I do? I've tried asking questions without making accusations but it doesn't seem to work.
Jul 11, 2009 00:35
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Dear Guest16837,
Not thing to do. Look for new one, otherwise you will kill time.
Jul 11, 2009 07:33
GUEST16837 I understand your comment and I thank you. The problem is, I am in love with her!
Jul 15, 2009 13:06
GUEST32685 Hey Guest16837:

If your lady in Shenzhen is having second thoughts, engagement jitters, pre-mature homesickness or buyers remorse, you will know all you need to know when she starts stalling about the flight schedule to Australia.

I sure would not say anything that reflects your worries.

If she stalls, I would confront the issue, not her, by commenting that she obviously has things on her mind that are causing her to hesitate, and you would like to help her work out her thoughts, if you can.

Even if she backs away form coming to Australia, that does not necessairly mean she does not love you.

Lots of women from cultures different than ours get shaky when the romance movie in their mind suddenly becomes a reality show on their mental screen, and all kinds of things need to be sorted out for her to allow herself to take such a giant leap of faith as to give up all that is familar and comfortable to her and go to a strange land to lay her body down each night with a man who, at best, is still more stranger to her than friend and lover.

She may just need more time.

And you need to be cool about the possibility that she may well be testing her feelings for you in the arms of another man, or several of them, just to find out who she is thinking about the next morning.

Even if she balks, you have nothing to lose by leaving the door open.

She may well wake up thinking of you all day, every day, a few days, or weeks, or months later.

But, if she balks, I sure would open that door for myself, also.

There are hundreds of thousands (perhaps millions), of real and genuine Chinese females across the land, and one of them is bound to be a perfect match for you.

And, you really do not do yourself any favors turning your nose up at the International romance sites on the web.

For sheer volume of options, has millions of members and very detailed searching options. CherryBlossoms.Com has more than you can write to.and Chnlove.Com is an internet hub for affiliate privatately owned "matchmaking" services all over China.

ChinaLove has rules that require their affiliate matchmaking services to verify the identity, addrress and background statement of every member, and they have the the prettiest and classiest and best educated overall group of ladies I have ever seen on the internet.

I am a senior male from Saint Petersburg, Florida USA, and my sweetheart lives in Wuhan, is a 50 year old teacher who was widowed when her little daughter was an infant and she raised her child alone, all the way through college.

Even though she is drop dead gorgeous and looks 27, no Chinese man her age or older would even look at her because of her age and because she has "a marriage history", and I think it is great that she joined the Oriental Love Matchmaker affiliate site there in Wuhan, saw my profile on ChinaLove and wrote to me.

"We are not here for a long time. We are here for a good time"

Jul 15, 2009 23:03
GUEST16837 Jason

I didn't turn my nose up at Asian dating sites! I simply stated that I didn't meet her that way. I didn't travel to China for the purpose of meeting ANY woman. We met by sheer chance. I am not against dating sites per se, it's just that I have never previously found Asian women attractive enough to consider meeting one via the 'net as a viable option. Obviously my feelings regarding their attractiveness has changed significantly.

FWIW, I will be in China next week totally unexpectedly. I will know instantly by her actions and reactions what the situation really is. Although I won't be happy about it, if we go our separate ways it is better to do that sooner rather than later. Obviously, I don't want that to happen. We shall see next week!
Jul 26, 2009 01:44
GUEST16837 Well, I went, I saw and found out precisely what I wanted to know!.....and WHAT a surprise!
Jul 27, 2009 04:33
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And the suprise was....?????

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