Boyfriend or Girl friend culture
Mar 26, 2007 16:42
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I agree with your open attitude Meng. It is essential in these fast changing times, but difficult for the parents to accept.
Mar 26, 2007 20:09
  • BBQQ
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"May 001, can you help me the Chinese word which means “ A mother before marry”. Have a practical witness, wish to write on it."

Before May come, maybe I can help you. Do you mean that a girl have baby before marriage? In Chinese we say未婚妈妈(Wei 4 Hun 1 Ma 1 Ma 1). 未 means No, Nope, 婚 means Marriage. So 未婚 means no-marriage. 妈妈 means Mother.

Mar 26, 2007 21:19
  • ELLEN77
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Think before you leap. This is the principle that everyone should follow first. If this is the decision that the one itself has thought over, I think he will never regret what he has done. Then why we others blame them about it.
I also agree what Meng said Culture are created by our present generations. With the changing of time, our ideology may be changed. I think this is just a problem of tradition habits, not something like CHINESE LAnGUAGE. It can be changed as we please.
Mar 28, 2007 13:33
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Thanks for 未婚妈妈
Jun 20, 2007 12:03
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" Premarital sex and get pregnant" story remind me this post which I thought before
Jun 20, 2007 21:43
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Good memory, Lion!
Jun 20, 2007 23:10
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xie xie
Jul 7, 2007 21:46
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very interesting to see on tv documentary here in Australia .

we think that choice of partner is for each individual BUT
we also have a divorce rate of 40%.
of marriages arranged by parents less than 4% divorce.

they say that arranged marriages are to unite families for money or power and that love between the two persons develops - after all beauty is only skin deep.

regards peter
Jul 8, 2007 11:09
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Thanks Peter to share with us.
Aug 26, 2007 15:34
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Hi guys,
I'm new here so I'll try to make it not too long and meaningful.
I lived in China for a year, in Shanghai to be more precise, and I manage to study was the relation between boys and girls in China (I didn't wrote any essay about it though maybe I could since I spent a long time on it). I'm from France, and back there everyone can have a boyfriend or a girlfriend no matter the age or the situation.
What I saw in Shanghai was a kind of pre-contract, as I read previously. Apparently, he couple of course have to feel some attraction of course but many won't have any sexual relations before mariage. At least, they say so at first... Actually many have, this is natural and it is a good thing to see how far we love or just like a person. Many fear gossips, so not to arouse the attention on them they will pretend not to have anything involving too much sensuality. But we can see that every single week-end, hotels around the universities of Shanghai are systematicaly overbooked, and most of the time this is not to play card...(If there are hotels there this is because there are clients of course).
Some students are still traditional, I experienced it. Many girls think first about securing their own life and then they think about happiness: what I mean is that many will consider to be the girlfriend of someone if this guy corresponds to very pragmatic criteria: he must have money or must be able to make a potentialy good amount of money in the future, he must own his place (not rent: no possible wedding with someone without a flat except a foreigner), he must look nice (usally thin or extremly thin to european eyes), then the criteria varies according to people.
For a woman, she'd better be white if not pale, be really thin also (pecuniary conditions won't be applied to them).
By the way, comparing european traditional mariage and chinese one we can see that some relations are inverted: In Europ since the Roman Empire, woman have had to bring an amount of money (endowment) with them (usually a great amount of money or at this time a land property). This ended in the late 50's in France which is quite backward on this point compared with other European countries.
So to be a student in China doesn't imply to "have fun" in universities, since most of the universities keep man and woman in different dormitories. But there are exceptions during the last years especially, when girls after finishing their studies are all trying to catch a match... To marry of course ;-)
Seems like there is no family out of mariage ... Can someone tell me more about this?
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