what do u think about shanghai girls?
Sep 11, 2012 04:31
GUEST79205 one advice for all foreinger guys in china relationship or marriage any other girls deserve them more than money thing , vantity and mean sh girls don t trust their sweet voice and cute face ...its only a trap
Feb 23, 2013 07:06
GUESTCAR NUT I am a foreigner who has worked in China for over 12 years and I have lived in Shanghai for over 5 years and I can say from experience that Shanghai Girls are evil…………………………
I have been asked the following questions by several Shanghai girls:
1. Do you own a home?
2. Do you have a good job?
3. Do you have a car?
4. Do you have money?
5. Do you want a girlfriend?
Several of my male friends and colleagues have had their hearts ripped out by Shanghai Girls! One more recent example involved a ‘nice’ Shanghai girl whom I had known for 1 year before I introduced her to one of my friends, let’s call her Naomi. They were together for 2 years in what could best be described as the perfect relationship in fact they never had a single fight in the whole time they were together and the chemistry was amazing, well other than for a couple of suspicious incidents my friend mentioned. I thought she was a ‘nice’ girl until she went on a “family holiday to the US” and never came back. All my friend got was a call from her in the US saying that her uncle was forcing her to marry some wealthy old guy so her family could get US residency. After trying to rescue Naomi from this alleged forced marriage we found out that she had fraudulently obtained a US business visa (she had no business in the US and had resigned her job in Shanghai). Naomi was living in an garage top apartment at the back of her ‘uncles’ home in San Marino border hopping into Mexico to extend her time in the US. She was illegally working as a nanny for her ‘uncle’ and the ‘uncle’ was no uncle at all more a distant relative who had offered her money, travel, gifts, US residency and a false dream to become his paid mistress or what the locals call an “ar nai” or sex wife! After being investigated by the Police in California, US Customs & Immigration and the FBI they waited until she visited Shanghai before they cancelled her US visa stamped never to be re-issued. Soon after this we were told by her mother and father that she married some wealthy Chinese guy and was travelling in China with him.
Feb 26, 2013 02:42

Sorry to hear this! My friend tells me that he never believes in love. His dream is to make a lot of money. When you are rich, girls will come to you. It sounds bullshit! But it does work very well.
Apr 21, 2013 18:08
GUESTWU TANG Cash Rules Everythang Around SH Girl... dolla dollar bill y'all...
May 17, 2013 22:16
GUEST20359 1st of all, u need to tell me how u define the term 'Shanghai Girl'? Girls u met in SH or local Shanghainese girl?
comeon lah, now in SH more than 80% of the yongsters r non-locals and they prefer to tell all ard they r from Shanghai. So how can u tell the 'shanghai girl' u date with is a real shanghainese girl
May 28, 2013 01:59
GUEST13197 any approvement? are you working with ssbs?
Apr 26, 2014 06:43
GUEST96246 well, i'm a shanghainese girl and totally understand the bad impression we've given to the society, i don't intend to make a difference, but just saying not all shanghainese girls go all bitchy and arrogant. My family always taught me to be gracious to be born in such a wonderful city with an enhanced educational system, so i don't complain much about my life like some others do. Please don't judge Shanghainese girls as a whole while you haven't seen all of them, of course if you have experienced something with Shanghainese girls, i don't stand in your way of hating us.
Apr 28, 2014 23:18
  • GRIZ326
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That's not fair.

Most women...most people...are vain and money-oriented and looking for a free ride if they can get it.

Consider every person based on their behavior - not some terrible generalization.
Nov 10, 2014 17:32
GUEST31157 Lol, I lived shanghai for four years and have some shanghainese friends, I had bad experience in sh because I form out of shanghai a small town. In china most small city like my hometown so I was scared to talking my hometown. But when I go out of country I feel really different, I even don't understand why the shanghainese girl are special but I'm ok with I'm a uptown girl right now. I love my family and I'm happy with I have great and lovely family.
Jan 30, 2015 00:55
GUEST70111 hello my name is jenniffer and I am a lesbian dating with a girl from shanghai she is 24 and I am 26 i only know her for one year and I have to marry her to stay here i I wonder will she live me later on?...
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