How do you think of it?
Apr 16, 2007 02:46
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In January, China used a missile to destory a meteorologic satellite. This arouses too much attention. US alleged that China's missiles are a big threat. On April 10th, it is said that China is trying to launch its intermediate range and long range ballistic missiles according to VOA's report. A report made by a private research center in US said that China is making its strategies to protect its global intersts and this is a menace to US and China's military will be equally matched with US in 20 years. With no doubts, China's military strength has been developed greatly and some of the advanced weapons have been developed, for example, J-10 fighter. Therefore, some other countries think that China has become a big threat or menace. Actually, these words are heard a lot.
How do you think of this issue? Is this true that China is a menace to other countries in the world?
Apr 16, 2007 05:09
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I don't see China as a menace. I do see China taking care of its interests, and that is as it should be. But I also think China needs to tread carefully. It's not just America that sees China as potentially threatening. "Actions speak louder than words", right? China's neighbours are understandably concerned about what China's rise might really mean for them. I don't see China as a menace to anybody else, but I can understand how China's neighbours might be a little nervous.
Apr 16, 2007 06:22
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This is the Aerican point of view, man!
According to it - if USA are doing something like this - it is normal. If China is doing 1/100 of this it is already "bad", "cruel", etc.
It is a simple propaganda.
Apr 16, 2007 06:24
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" I don't see China as a menace to anybody else, but I can understand how China's neighbours might be a little nervous."

They were nervous before as well. The same as some of you guys are nervous about Japan. BUT! THE PROBLEM IS that in fact the neighbours are not that nervous as :
Can you see what does it means?
Apr 16, 2007 06:49
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"This is the Aerican point of view, man!
According to it - if USA are doing something like this - it is normal. If China is doing 1/100 of this it is already "bad", "cruel", etc.
It is a simple propaganda."

I never said that. I hold America to the same standards I hold every other country. But I agree: America has the world's largest, most advanced arsenal and sees nothing wrong with, for example, developing new nuclear weapons in direct contravention of international law, and yet cries foul when China modernises its own military. I would say this is the pot calling the kettle black, but China's military budget, technology, capabilities and ambitions don't even come close to matching America's.

Anyway, judging by your second post, we're pretty much in agreement on this issue. Well, I'm not sure about Turkey, but I certainly agree the EU and US are worried about losing their status and power.

What I hope is that China doesn't copy America and swagger around like an arrogant bully-boy cowboy. That'll drive everybody away: The last thing any of us wants is another America. Fortunately, even though it has a couple of public relations nightmares on its hands (Darfur, for example) China's doing a pretty good job of winning hearts and minds, and I believe China will continue its peaceful rise.
Apr 16, 2007 10:27
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"I never said that."

Sure, I meant the US. For example they got this kind of weapon ago. And it is okay for them to use it. BUT if China make it - then they are angry. Their point of view is - "Only we have the right to posses!"

"I hold America to the same standards I hold every other country. But I agree: America has the world's largest, most advanced arsenal and sees nothing wrong with, for example, developing new nuclear weapons in direct contravention of international law, and yet cries foul when China modernises its own military. I would say this is the pot calling the kettle black, but China's military budget, technology, capabilities and ambitions don't even come close to matching America's."

I think they are pretty close. And it is not important to be equal. THE BEST STRATEGY ARE THE ASSIMETRIC RESPONCES. For example:

US built 200 nuclear rockets.
CHINA can build 50 nuclear rockets. BUT THEY ARE ENOUGH TO KEEP THE BALANCE. This is a wise and cheap strategy. Otherwise it will be expensive and will be the Soviet mistake in the Cold war.

"Anyway, judging by your second post, we're pretty much in agreement on this issue. Well, I'm not sure about Turkey, but I certainly agree the EU and US are worried about losing their status and power."

Turkey got a dream - "A Great Turan from Austria to Beijing.", their propaganda teach that TURKIC = TURKISH, but it is untrue. They are trying to make websites and other ways to support the Xinjiang separatism and to control the Middle Asian Turkic republics.
So, some of their ultranationalist are angry about the strong Chinese possition in Xinjiang and sometimes in Middle Asia. And also, Turkey is a part of NATO, so the Turkish position is clear in this aspect as well.

"What I hope is that China doesn't copy America and swagger around like an arrogant bully-boy cowboy."

Sure. I just would like to copy the good, useful things. Just in case. Because the US are one of the biggest source of "brains", they are collecting them from all around the World.

"That'll drive everybody away: The last thing any of us wants is another America."

In some hands it is OK to be, but only some.

Apr 16, 2007 10:27
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Fortunately, even though it has a couple of public relations nightmares on its hands (Darfur, for example) China's doing a pretty good job of winning hearts and minds, and I believe China will continue its peaceful rise."

About Darfur we can talk in another topic. Here I would like to say that "winning hearts and minds" is not easy and it is impossible to win everyone's heart and mind. I am sorry to tell you, but some people do not like Chinese just because of the image of their body, others do not like, because for them "China is bad." (because in the Primary school the brain-washed teacher told them or because the "freind of my father told me, and he is so clever!", etc.). Also the Western propaganda is simple and stable in their minds. They repeat like parrots: " *** = good, China = bad!", "Dalai Lama = best, China = evil", etc. And because of this people over there are not sinologists and they have no time to learn more about China for them this "fast food", this propaganda. AND IT IS PRETTY FUNNY, WHEN YOU TRY TO EXPLAIN THEM, THE ANSWER IS: "No, no, no! You are an agent of the Communist Party! We do not believe you, because we read the truth in the morning newspaper!"...So how you can communicate with these brain-washed people? And if we need to win their hearts and minds?
Apr 16, 2007 19:41
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Many countries have deep misunderstanding of China.
They treat us as fearful flood.
Apr 16, 2007 23:39
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Sure, a lot of people misunderstand China, and that misunderstanding leads to fear, and a lot of it is caused by blatant propaganda, but still, China's doing a pretty good job so far of winning hearts and minds- I mean sending out positive images of China and cultivating people's interest in China. In many countries, including many Western countries, people now view China more positively than they view America. That's pretty impressive, really.
Apr 17, 2007 01:12
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I have to say, China is hard to understand. Especially for the West.

For example, I read a stroy written by a Chinese student in US. He said he's rather frustrated when his teacher asked the class to use one thing to represent their homeland. He couldn't use only one thing cos there are so many things can represent China but none of them is typical enough.

China is complicated due to the vast land, long history, many nationalities, different circumstances, etc.
Apr 17, 2007 04:48
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many people of other countries don't know there is a nation called China.
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