The Name of Chinese Food (Pics~)
Apr 16, 2007 12:59
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皮蛋(Pi 2 Dan 4): 100-year egg:
How are the eggs prepared?
What king of eggs?
How did they acquire the name "100-year eggs"?

Thank you.
Apr 16, 2007 20:11
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皮蛋(Pi 2 Dan 4): 100-year egg
Also called 松花蛋(Song 1 Hua 1 Dan 4), 变蛋(Bian 4 Dan4).

1. Eggs or duck egges, eatable alkali, calces, salt, black tea, massicot powder, plant ash, water, etc.
2. Put the black tea, salt, eatable alkali, massicot powder into a cup and mixed with hot water. Then put into calces and stirred them throughly. Let the cup cool down for several days.
3. Clean the egges and laid them in a crock. Pour down the liquor we made in the second step. Seal the crock and put it in a place where the temperature is between 20~25 C
4. 30 days later, open the crock and clean the eggs by cold water. Mix the liquor with plant ash and earth into mud, and pack the eggs by the mud and rice hulls. Put the eggs into crock again and seal it for one month.
5. It can be eaten now. Generally, 100-years egg can be preserved for several months.
Apr 16, 2007 21:52
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稀饭(Xi 1 Fan 4) or 粥(Zhou 1): Rice porridge

In southern China, this is called 白粥(Bai 2 Zhou 1) which indicate the plain white rice used in the porridge. One can also add other stuffs in the porridge, such as bean, vegetable, meat, etc. But the plain white rice porridge is the base.

Apr 16, 2007 22:03
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蛋炒饭(Dan 4 Chao 3 Fan 4): Fried rice with egg

蛋 is the abbr of 鸡蛋(Ji 1 Dan 4), the egg. In fact, not only eggs, but also other stuffs, such as ham, onion, seafood, etc. can also be added into the rice.

Apr 16, 2007 22:09
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馄饨(Hun 2 Tun 1): Wonton

馄饨 is a kind of Chinese dumpling. Generall, the stuff inside is meat. One can also use other stuffs, such as vegetable, seafoods, beef, etc.

Apr 16, 2007 22:16
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刀削面(Dao 1 Xiao 1 Mian 4): Sliced noodles

刀 means the knife, and 削 means slice (the noodle). As a traditional food of Shanxi Province, one of the most interesting parts of the noodle is the Slice.

Apr 16, 2007 22:19
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The finishing 刀削面

Apr 16, 2007 22:25
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牛肉拉面(Niu 2 Rou 4 La 1 Mian): Hand-pulled Noodles with Beef.

牛肉 means beef. 拉 is a verb, means Pull. This is an Islamic food originated from Lanzhou, Gansu Province. Now it is popular all over China and even the world. The most important feature is the Hand-pulled noodle.

Apr 16, 2007 22:28
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Hand-pulled Noodles with Beef

Apr 16, 2007 22:34
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米粉(Mi 3 Fen 3): Rice noodle

米 means Rice. 米粉 is made by rice and looks like noodle. It's a food originated from Guilin, Guangxi Province and has a long history of over 2000 years.

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