Do you believe in 'luck"?
Nov 8, 2007 19:00
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To Dodger, I was very interested in Greek mythology and Norse ancient stories and myths when I was in college. Luckily, I met a very good teacher who knew Greek mythology very much and had learned many from him about Greek mythology. I have read Homeric epic (The Iliad and The Odyssey) two times. But I find it is hard for me to remember all the Gods and Greek heroes. Any way, I enjoy myself in reading it. BTW, ancient Greek philosophy does have a great influence on western countries.
Nov 9, 2007 05:56
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As your studies have led you to ancient Greek mythologies you may have a greater understanding of how and why the West thinks how it does?
It underpins their thoughts even if they are not fully aware.
The days and the months are named after Gods. But many would not know who they are.
I have misplaced all of my books on this but it was an interesting age when man first started to conceptualize about a greater being and a reason for being.
Nov 12, 2007 23:01
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Quote: As your studies have led you to ancient Greek mythologies you may have a greater understanding of how and why the West thinks how it does?

Dodger, I am just interested in ancient Greek mythologies, not really studying. Due to the cultural differences and other factors, it is still hard to understand how you guys think. Remember Jimmyb's question:" If your mom and wife fall into the river at the same time, who will you save first?" WCTMAN answered that he would save his wife first since his mom has done her job while his wife has not yet done. If a Chinese was put in this situation, he would be in dilemma because the filial principle is very important for them.
Aug 6, 2008 22:32
GUEST00207 I don't believe in luck. If you win the "MegaMillion Jackpot" in the lottery, is it chance? The answer is yes. There is no force out there that will shape my winnings in a way to make me win. Everybody had the same chance, but i happened to come out on top because everyone had the same chance. It's not because of luck, it's chance.
Some may argue that luck is chance, or they might say that it was lucky that you won the jackpot, but it's false. It's someones fault if your girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with you, it's someone's fault that you ost your job, it's someones fault that life sucks. That someone is you. You have the power to change that fact. There is no such thing as luck because everyone has the same chance for everything, as there is no cheating in life.
Nov 18, 2009 16:49
GUEST21241 There's no such thing as luck....
"luck" is just an event or series of events that are seemingly unexplainable
Everything can be explained using math if you think about it logically. In an infinite universe there’s a 100% chance of everything capable of happening to eventually happen; its not luck just simply a matter of time and probability :)
Dec 2, 2009 17:35
GUESTMICHAEL yeh I am fully agree with you because it's better to do some thing to get some thing than wait for the luck when it will be occoured as we all know nothing is for nothing so if you are saying luck you are loosing your self an you are hiding your lacking areas and i don't know what to say any more.
Jan 22, 2010 18:05

Originally Posted by APAULT View Post

Yes, there ius random luck, and also you have to create your own luck - that is you have to create the situations that will allow the opportunity for real luck to occur. Just as Torsten says.

We also say 'you have to be in it to win it'. You cannot find what you are looking for if you are not in the right place, you cannot win a lotter...

MR. APAULT...your statement sound really interesting...can u elaborate it little..actually i was chatting with one of my intelligent junior and just came up with the topic "luck"..i was just referring and came through this site,,,

Mar 31, 2010 21:49
GUESTCHRIS I do believe in it! Because i see it everyday.

I also believe that many people who are in destiny of “luck”. One of my classmates is among one of them. She did everything successfully in case of luck, at least in eyes of many friends of her. She is not intelligent and diligent…

Anyway, I wish you good luck!
Oct 11, 2010 10:12
GUESTKANWAL yes i do beleve in luck.many times you are doing sumthng but everything goes against you ths i lucki.
Oct 15, 2010 12:12
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I believe that we create our own luck, so just work your butts off and believe that you are the ones in control and then luck would just be standing by your side :)
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