Do you believe in 'luck"?
Dec 25, 2010 10:36
GUESTGUNGUN hey dudes m gona do research on belive in luck .....plz help me
Jan 9, 2011 23:31
GUEST678 yes.. i do belief. For me there is one big thing we have to do in our life, one purpose for our "being here" What we do till then this depends on ourself and on luck...
Mar 21, 2011 20:15
GUESTSARAH I believe in luck
May 29, 2011 16:23

Originally Posted by BBQQ View Post

Sometimes, we are down on our luck. Everything go against our will. You feel very gloomy. Your boyfriend or girlfriend has broken up with you and at the same time you fail to pass the exams or lose your job. When you walk on the road, you will fall over. A series of unhappy things happen on you, but you still have to burden them. You feel you are t...
yeah i believe in luck.
May 31, 2011 04:32
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Is it Luck or is it Divine Providence?
Jun 7, 2011 13:46
GUEST85133 I do not believe in luck at all. I believe in stuck. A child born in the house of rich, must have worked hard. so by the age of five when he realize that he has tons of money therefore his stuck in money. what can he do now?
The other child born in a very poor family has no money. So, by the age five he realizes that there is no food, medicine, shelter, education and you know what. Therefore, he is stuck in misery. what can he do now?
But you know, the rich child grows and he has everything he wants, gets more greedy and want more and more and can not enjoy what he has, he gets on drugs and ultimately commit suicide. What can he do, he is stuck in it.
The poor guy work for everything that he needs, whatever he make enjoys it. The food, the company of many around him, he sleeps well because he gets tired of the day work and you what.
What can he do now? he is stuck in it.
I do not know you it call luck, stuck, buck but something exists that control us.
Oct 16, 2011 12:20
GUEST99147 I strongly believe on luck
Nov 5, 2011 02:10
GUEST50172 Torsten,

you are out of luck!

Your passport details have been published by the crooks that obtained your Zhuhai visa.

Your passport No. begins with 135, right?

Your given names are Horst and Juerg?
Feb 1, 2012 07:32
GUESTNADYA i don't really believe in luck , i think everything is given as they deserve. i believe only in Allah..!
Feb 1, 2012 21:00

Originally Posted by GUESTNADYA

i don't really believe in luck , i think everything is given as they deserve. i believe only in Allah..!

Allah brings luck to you, GUESTNADYA.
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