Marriage... How does a foreigner marry a chinese woman?
Jul 21, 2009 00:31
GUEST80247 Hi
Why married in China go to British or any other embassy, easy to take Chinese person to Hong Kong and married, Hong Kong do not give you any fuss and problem. Even you can book marriage ceremony by internet, Everything is simple. In China - there are too many paperworks and too many regulation, You have also wanted or not honeymoon in Kong Kong
Jul 23, 2009 03:45
GUEST16190 Hi i am a divorced canadian citizen and i want to go get married in china and lives there defenitly with my wife what i have to do,is there special needs.i got my divorces paper ,passport thank for your help
Jul 24, 2009 12:09
GUEST25441 There are certain types of US visas that are not adjustable to permanent resident (green card) should the holder marry while in the US and tourist visa is not one of them.

As long as the original purpose for coming was for pleasure, they will be converted stateside without the need to go back to their own country if they get married here. One caveat though: If they get married as soon as he or she arrives, adjustment within the US will be denied because of "pre-conceived intent" which means their purpose of travel to the US was to get married instead of pleasure. the spouse petition will be approved but the adjustment will be done outside of the US. This is called consular processing.

So if the wife or husband entered without inspection C or D visa (e.g. crewman); Transit Without Visa (TWOV); F1 Student Visa; J-1 Exchange Visitor, he or she is processed at the US consulate in their home country. Forget about going to a third country (like Mexico or Canada) for consular processing.

In all other cases, stateside adjustment of status is allowed and a green card will be issued. An initial work permit will be issued if an application for a work permit (I-765) is submiited simultaneously with the petition (I-130) and the adjustment application (I-485) and the G-325 Bio Info.

I know the procedure by heart because I have done this for clients over a hundred times but now, I need help. I intend to marry a Chinese woman and I don't know anything about the procedure over there. Where does it say that I can travel for the purpose of marriage? Do I even have to reveal that? Could I reasonably prepare documentary requirements within the span of 30 days? If I come prepared, wouldn't that be considered "pre-conceived intent"/ Please Help!!!
Jul 24, 2009 12:18
GUEST25441 If got married in China while you yourself was married back home in the Philippines, then you were ineligble to get married again. There is no divorce in the Philippines and since you did not indicate you were single or a widow, then your marriage to the Chinese gentleman was invalid ab inition (from the very beginning).
Jul 24, 2009 12:23
GUEST25441 If you get married in China and you came back stateside to petition for her, she will not be issued a visitor's visa (B1/B2) by the US consulate because she is "An Intending Immigrant". Better file a K-3 visa (for your spouse) and K-4) for her minor dependents if she has one as soon as you arrive back here.

K-3 is a Fiance(e)/Spouse petition (I-129F) for those who got married abroad and want the avoid the long delay in the processing of a regular spouse petition (I-130).
Jul 24, 2009 12:28
GUEST25441 No. As long as you are a US citizen and you do not allow her to go back to China until she gets her green card. Even leaving the US for brief visits to either Mexico or China will disqualify her from adjusting from tourist to green card within the US.
Jul 24, 2009 12:32
GUEST25441 A tourist visa (B1/B2) Randy is adjustable to permanent resident within the US. Even overstaying B1/B2 can be adjusted as long as the petitioner is a US citizen, giving him or her an Immediate Relative status. If the dude who married him or her is an LPR holder, tough luck. The foreign spouse will have to go back for consular processing.
Jul 25, 2009 00:41
GUESTLUC Wow that the great site i was looking for,My Name is Luc i am a divorced canadien citizen i want to marry a women from guangzhou and live there with her and making my new life there ,is there special obligation to do so, i got my divorces papers traduce in chinese,passeport,and my visa , plz i need help for this thank you .
Aug 10, 2009 02:28
GUEST68972 If you are british then you need the certificate of non impediment. This comes from the registraar of your local council. It costs £30 and this must be certified by a solictor or notary and the foreign office at milton keynes - another £55 and finally by the chinese embassy legal department. They also require divorce papers again certified by a solcitor and the foreign office .
The fo will place an apostile certifying the papers are genuine. The whole process takes time up to 3 weeks for the certificate, 10 days for the chinese embassy. You then have to get your photos in china and the other party prove eligibility, Remember the visa will cost £630 in china and a further £2000 in two years time for permanet residence - the spouse visa only lasts 2 years. Obviously your english documents hjave to be translated for the civic marriage bureau in china. I would check with them what they need as it does seem to differ. the one that i report is for Wuhan. I wish you well it is an expensive business - i know as i am going througn this at the moment
Aug 10, 2009 02:30
GUEST68972 as for changing his visa this is awkard and it is best to obtain one prior to his visit. to extend a toourist visa to 6 months costs 300 rmb from the security section of the local council. To change a visa is more problematic.
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