To stand back or fight?
Jul 23, 2007 21:41
  • JCNILE123
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Zoey, you are so right, help has many faces.

good point.
Sep 7, 2007 02:59
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Yes I do agree with WESTNORWOODGAS, it's not a matter of showing your bravery act but to help, had somebody help to stop the victim's bleeding she might have been saved, and of cos in appropriate time one may have stopped the robber, not everyone would be able to stop the robber but anyone could have help the victim to stop the bleeding right? I personally agree that they should think before they act, by trying to stop the robber may either be bave or stupid.
Sep 7, 2007 03:03
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Everyone should think if they are able to fight the robber before they act but I don't think anyone, any human being need to think if they are able to help the victim before they act. Am I right LIONPOWER?
Sep 7, 2007 04:36
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But the Robbers only have power knowing that the the peope watching will do nothing. In most occations they are more scared than the onlookers. So use a scream and shout and in most situations they will run and will leave to find an easier victim.
Sep 10, 2007 22:06
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But the Robbers only have power knowing that the the peope watching will do nothing.

Yes, Dodger. The robbers understand that people won't get in trouble and lose their lives. people are selfish. If oneday you are the lucy one that is picked up by a robber, you will regret for what you have done today.

Newbbie is right. These onlookers can not stop the robber robbing. But they have the ability to save the victim, sending her to hospital. These people are too cruel.
Sep 11, 2007 01:04
I don't think the people are being cruel, a lot of them wouldn't know how to give first aid and would probably panic, without my training, I would too.
Keeping calm and in control is vital, I'm due to re-take my first aid course soon as my certificate is due to expire, I think everyone should learn basic first aid, most times you wouldn't even get to use it but you never know, one day you could save someones life, who knows it might even be one of your own family.
Sep 11, 2007 21:02
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Perhaps, these onlookers were scared by the robber and they did not take first aid course. Thus, they just ran away. But it is true that people have become indifferent and selfish. What they care most is their interest. It sounds cruel but very true.

Oct 17, 2007 04:01
  • KEVIN0518
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If you can get a bonus, will you fight with the robber or thieve? The news said that Guangdong Province has made a new rule: those who help others in emergent situation will get a bonus about 30000 yuan at most. Why? Because modern people are too selfish. They care about themselves too much. What do you think?
Oct 17, 2007 05:41
A bonus wouldn't be worth anything to a dead person though would it? only be the hero if you can control the situation, better to be a live witness than another statistic, this what I was told when I first became a security officer.
Oct 18, 2007 01:13
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only be the hero if you can control the situation, better to be a live witness than another statistic. But in some cases, people who are able to help others do nothing to help the victims. Why? Because they would not risk their life and they could get nothing if they offer their hands to the victim. In this situation, bonus can make them save the victim. How ridiculous it is!

Another reason is that people do not want to make them in trouble. Did you hear this story? A taxi driver who sent a badly hurt person to the hospital was accused by the victim's relatives. They said that he was the 'killer'. Many similar cases have been reported. If you were the driver, would you offer hands to other people next time?
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