Why do so many boys and girls like soccer?
Jun 20, 2011 03:33
GUESTLARA Why do you like playing soccer?

I like playing soccer it is fun have are try playing soccer you will say it is fun
Jul 15, 2011 21:00
GUEST19140 Everybody loves soccer.

It's FIFA that everbody dislikes.
Jul 21, 2011 03:25
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but here is a truth that earthly sports; soccer, tennis, wrestling etc. are not subject to the spiritual laws of righteousness. they are like alcohols order intoxicants and u must be driven to anxiety, fears, hate, hostility, animosity, losses, pride, scornful excitement, intimidation, discrimination, and sin. And do u think that people with thus qualities can have access to eternal life. so; avoid it read ur bible titus chapter 2 vs 11
Aug 2, 2011 21:51
GUESTSOCCERGIRL u know there is plenty of girls who dont think like that i myself pleay the sport and have gone to championships its a really aswome sport and anybody who dosent like it dosent know whats its missing i watch every Mexican game couse im from there and i watch the other countries too personaly i dont think the U.S. is very good at it but for the other countrys i do especially japan ,european countries and of course Mexico and South America really like all the teams and seasons.I especially like the femenil games couse they r good
Aug 9, 2011 07:47
GUESTAG i like soccer and i am really crazy about it
and it is becouse it is fun and it is the best sport in the whole world
Jan 24, 2012 21:55
GUEST17024 HEY IM A GIRL AND I LOVE TO PLAY SOCCER!! I mean its okay to go check out guys playing soccer its, but im not like those chicks who only watch soccer just to see the guys, I actually get into watching the game! And the reason I love soccer cause I have a huge passion for it, I may have a injured knee or ankle and I will still keep on playing. Most people think that soccer is about the one who can attack faster and chase down their “Prey” but they don’t understand the real feeling. The feeling of playing soccer is one that I can never get over or explain, but I’ll try. I like the way it feels to defend your teammates, represent the place or school you play for, the feeling of running through the grass with the ball at your feet dodging and escaping your enemy, and shooting, and scoring a goal! " The way ur teammates embrace you when you shoot goals, and the most amazing feeling is when your team wins! You feel like you accomplished something good, and sometimes undefeated, and when you lose you try harder to learn from ur mistakes to be better and win next time, you rely on your whole team to work together to win, not just one person, it's like all of us together make up a human body, one cannot live with out a heart and brain... us soccer players cant live with out a strong coach to lead and plan everything out, and the heart is a leader on the team who will always give everything they have until the end of the game, even though the score is bad and knows they r going to lose, while the rest of the team cooperates with the leader to make sure everything goes as planned. We are like a big family, and when it comes to stadiums and going for a team, I get all excited and crazy because I know the feeling of being out on the field and playing. Soccer is not boring to me. I used to think it was but once I played it and got to know all the rules of the game I loved it. If this explanation doesn’t make sense you, you can compare it to a sport you like playing/ watching, its the same feeling you get as watching/playing American football, baseball, tennis, or baseball. I think those who find soccer boring is because they have never played on the field before and actual compete with others, or they don’t understand the rules, or some have tried playing and just plain out suck at it and have bad memories about it so they don’t like it. Honestly I think it just depends on the type of person they are, or sometimes it can come from family who likes soccer and they guys or girls grow up to like soccer too. I hope this helped and if not I hope u find ur answer! :)
Jan 24, 2012 22:01
Jan 24, 2012 22:05
GUEST17024 thats not an educated response "Stupid and worthles??" u could of said its boring. Im sure the sport you like is also " stupid and worthless" i mean everyone does it too :p
Jan 25, 2012 17:37
GUEST75211 My fist thing that I did in my life was karate I liked it for a while. Then I started getting bored of it. I started playing soccer since I was 7 years old. I liked the sport because it was fun but when I got older I learned more and more and I also developed a lot. Say my dribbling has developed and my shooting. I choose this sport because I want to get better at it and play soccer throughout my whole life.
Jul 31, 2012 06:34
GUEST69747 Listen I'm the only girl on my team I like soccer cause it's fun not because of the boys
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