Top 10 military nations
May 29, 2009 06:47
GUEST36142 India won those wars - they didnt lose them. Go check your history. Anyway - the definitive list:

1. USA (by a long way)
2. China
3. Russia
4. Israel
5. France
6. India
7. UK
8. SoutKorea
9. Iran
10 Pakistan

Jun 11, 2009 02:17
Jun 11, 2009 08:39
GUEST02173 1. United States of America - Simply impossible to invade, seeing as it has 20 supercarriers, and so much other naval stuff. It's technology is unmatched and all branches of the armed services are the best in the world. Also the largest number of nuclear weapons. It can project its forces anywhere in the world.
2. Russia - Also impossible to invade, seeing as it is such a huge country, with a harsh winter. Great technology, and it could seriously damage Europe if it decided not to supply it with oil anymore. Decent armed forces, and the Spetsnaz are something you don't want to mess with. Great technology. Second largest amounts of nukes.
3. People's Republic of China - Largest military, and is a nuclear power, but it has bad technology (mostly old soviet stuff), and its navy needs some serious work. This too is impossible to invade, seeing as it has the world's largest population.
4. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Great special forces, and very nice army and navy, aswell as nuclear forces, however it is a shadow of the great British Empire it used to be. It lacks the size to beat China.
5. Federal Republic of Germany - Best tank in the world, decent forces, but not large enough.
6. India - Large military, and is working on becoming an economic giant, with the potential to be the greatest military force in the next century.
7. Israel - Great special forces, very good technology, and although surrounded by enemies, and having a small population, Israel has managed to live, and is an undeclared nuclear power.
8. Democratic People's Republic of North Korea - Now proven to have nukes and long range ballistic missiles, it is a fearsome country. Even with a small population, it maintains one of the largest militaries in the world. However, they can't afford a war, seeing as everybody now is their enemy.
9. Republic of Korea - Great economy, small population but large military, decent technology.
10. Pakistan - Large military, decent equipment and stuff they bought from the US, they are currently pushing the Taliban away from their country.
Jun 17, 2009 06:11
GUEST49119 1. Russia
2. China
3. India
4. Israel
5. Iran
6. USA
7. France
8. Britain
9. Germany
10. USA
11. DPRK
12. Serbia
13. Pakistan
14. Sweden
15. Czech Republic
Jun 18, 2009 14:29
GUEST82161 ""5) India- rich in combat experience,although they have only truimped in 2 out of 5 war they fought. Modern airforce with 126 5th generation aircraft ordered, as well as a advanced navy. Brought down on the lack of training to troops and poor missile technology
6) Pakistan-the army is highly experienced, having lost outright once in 4 wars against a much larger indian army ( with the help of bengali rebels).ne of the places where Pakistan scores well is its missile system and air force""

WHAT are you kidding me

1. India won all the wars bt only one in 1962 with china
2. India Armed forces in on of the top, Americans / Russians and many go their for specialized training in mountain warfare and counter terrorism / guerrilla warfare
3. Pakistan is a state which India can capture within few hours..1947 - Pakistan was defeated when it was trying to capture kashmir....1965 Indian Armies defeated Pakistan and captured upto lahore....1971 - India defeated pakistan and western pakistan was named as bangladesh , there more than 100000 pakistani soldiers surrendered in from of inidan army biggest in worlds history surrenders

4. Pakistan with Bengali rebels won the war --- .. Bangladesh was Pakistan earlier which was captured by india in 1972 and formed bangladesh
Jun 18, 2009 14:43
GUEST82161 ""India, like north korea, should be spending whatever is left in their depleted coffers on feeding its' bloated and hungry population instead of concerning itself of being a superpower. You've got to have more than just military weapons. How about a strong economy to support being a superpower. Does India or the Phillippines come close. You bet the answers' no. Who's the tagalog idiot who mentioned the fifth most corrupt country in the world and couldn't even handle a bunch af ragtag guerillas (before requesting for help). Pare, stop embarrasing the Phillippines and you should have more dignity than to mention your poor, third world countries in this discussion.""

This is the most idiotic summary any one can place...specially about india.... do u watch movies like slumdog made my a british to get ur analysis .... economy crunch developed nations economy is almost done.. they need india and china to survive.. all major companies there r bankrupt... n u talk nonsense.. India's economy is at the boast it has 70% of youth population and in developed nations its Indians working with brain.... India has military might and you people are unable to digest it... dont worry lad ur time is over
Jun 18, 2009 14:53
GUEST82161 ""GUESTSAMIR: Pakistan is just behind india .Pakistan fought 5 wars with india .Pakistan won 3/5 and india 2/5 so where is pakistan i think u people have no study and knowledge about these things go and play tekken 4. dont give coments on countreis.actually pak is 5th biggest combat powernow""

hehe so too in lies what mullas teach u ... such a stupid post...........5 wars Pakistan won 3 ru frustrated by putting that remark......

1947 - India Gave Billions of Dollar Aid so that Pakistan can survive

1. 1947 - In return pakistan attacked kashmir where it lost the war and was in shame
2. 1965 - India won the war and defeated pakistan, captured Lahore and all major parts.
3. 1971 - Karachi port was completely destroyed by indian navy... Bangladesh which was earlier west pakistan was liberated by indian forces from pakistan and more than 100000 pakistani soldiers surrendered
4. Kargil War - Even without crossing the LOC indias defeated pakistan and entire northern light infactry of pakistan was finished in the fight

come out of your delima..pakistan is nothing in front of india and india forces can capture pakistan within hours.. the entire country
Jun 18, 2009 15:04
GUEST82161 ""india got beaten my pakistan inuff times

they even begged them to retreat last time

they called america to tell pakistan stop ""

hehe look who is talking must be some mulla from pakistan hehe.... not ur fault u people dont have schools u go to madarsas hehe so mullas will tech u this stuff only all lie in name of ur failed nation pakistan hehe

1947 - pakistan defeated in kashmir
1965 - india capture pakistan upto lahore, pakistan urge for america and china to help, after international pressure india left captured pakistan
1971 - more than 100000 pakistani soldiers surrendered in front of india and west pakistan was formed as bangladesh by india
kargil war - entire northern light infantry of pakistan was wiped out

in every was pakistan is defeated and has to tell lie in shame to its own people...what is pakistan a failed nation where mullas run the government... the heaven for all world terrorists ... birth place of taliban which now is tyring to put stupid muslim law

oh man come out of ur frustration n be in real world
Jun 18, 2009 15:20
GUEST82161 """It was Indian Govt. who went to UN for the cease fire in 1965, otherwise indians had no place to run.
And coming to missile technology india should keep in mind that Pakistan is 4th country in the world who has the most advance missile technology and far ahead from indian missile technology. Pakistan has successfuly tested its ruise missile in August 2005 and it is also in service with Pak Army since 2005.

Pakistani F-16s are fully capable of handling the indian SU-30s, with most latest and advanced features and equiped with most advance weapons.

Pakistani Army always deserves to be in The Top 10 Army of the world.""

I think u better check ur facts.. hehe pakistan in top 10 a terrorest state whos army's worst nightmare is what if india attach where will they hide hehe

In 1965 Indians were sting in lahore after pakistans shameless defeat...after usa sent its aircraft carrier in india ocean and threat of india to withdraw or usa will drop a nuclear bomb indias pm went to UN

Missile tech - ru kidding pakistans nuclear scientist is banned coz he tried to sell nuc tech to terrorists... pakis misslie is nothing but chinese missiles just name pakistani, and it go same for nuclear weapons..on the other hand china itself get all the technology by coping it from russia and west

f-16 hehe world know pakistan always begged for humanitarian aid and then use the money for wepons even now usa is asking for records of billions of dollars aid... pakis r bad trained pilots and soldiers cant stand a match to superior training of indian forces... dont worry abt suk... in past wars indian air force defeated pakis f-16 with the help of migs

when will pakis come out of can understand after loosing every war and being a failed nation and getting east pakistan out of hand you all are really frustrated
Jun 18, 2009 15:24
GUEST82161 ""hahahaha...india and super power are u out of your mind.....ppl are starving to death there.....please tell me india cant handdle pakistan a very small country they cond and blast in ur country and u even dont know when the cross ur border all the war between india and pakistan u lost......what made u think that inia is next super power...first get rid of pakistan""

hehe so pakis all are terrorists boasting abt bombing and killing innocent people... see urself how many bomb blasts do happen in pakistan daily and by whom ?? by your own people
starving ?? hehe well pakistan entire country will be bankrupt till dec 2009 if it dont get international aid by begging again as it do always........get rid of pakistan hehe it will take hours for indians to wipe out pakistan from the world map...
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