Top 10 military nations
Jun 22, 2009 22:40
GUEST16384 My top

1- Russia
3- USA
5-North Korea
6-South Korea
Jun 27, 2009 02:05
GUEST86914 India is the best armed force in the world
Jul 5, 2009 22:46
Jul 8, 2009 00:05
GUEST33759 All have to say.

Pretty close though :)
Jul 8, 2009 14:10
GUEST75135 China will be # 1 soon... And we can't stop them
Below are the following reasons why china will become the most powerful in military
1. There economy is the best, everything is made in china
2. Biggest population
3. The government has every say, so they can make every one go to war

US will be second... Best technology

Russia and India tied for third
Jul 15, 2009 00:39
GUESTRAVI pakistan stronger than india????????????
see my list
1 usa
2 russia
3 china
4 india
5 france
6 england
7 germany
8 japan
9 south korea
10 israel
Jul 26, 2009 08:49
GUESTGUEST6719 China is expanding faster than anyone could ever imagine. I think this is scaring the Russians. So in the next 20 to 30 years I wouldnt be surpised with a russian assault into China.
Jul 26, 2009 09:13
GUESTGUEST6719 But all in all
1. United States of America
There forces are well trained and many soldiers have seen tours of duty in Iraq and Afganistan not only but they can attain air superiority wherever they go. Plus the U.S. carrier force is the largest in the world backed up by a navy that just keeps growing. No country in the world can go to war with the U.S and come out victorous.
2.Peoples Replublic of China
The sheer size of the Chinese military can scare 2nd world countries into defeat.
With the growing influence of the Chinese around the globe,China embargoing any country will cripply that county for years to come.
3. Russia and India
Russia because of its history of overcoming hardships and emerging stronger but India because it is growing rapidly and a population that can only rival that of China's.
After the banned over the tank production was lifted a monster was made the Loepard.This tank does not sacrifes anything it is the perfect balance of size speed and firepower. Plus with political ties Germany should be considered a Superpower.
Jul 27, 2009 01:21
GUEST78220 Anyone who thinks Israel is in the top 10 is an idiot...all there population is trained in fighting but what happens when all of there able body men/woman are fighting? nothing, there economy crumbles and they have no way of rebuilding any tanks/planes/artillery ext they thinking only jewish people think Israel deserves to be in the top ten...

My list:

1: USA
2: China
3: Russia
4: India
5: UK
6: France
7: Turkey
8: Germany
9: Brazil
10: Japan
Jul 27, 2009 19:24
GUEST14572 PAKISTAN NUKES almost as much as India has been at war for many years experienced tough and at least amongst Top 7
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