Top 10 military nations
Jun 7, 2008 12:25
GUEST68436 i think us and usa time is is over now now it is time for India and china anyone between this two can become superpower in coming future.
Jun 13, 2008 22:49
GUEST44129 Countries don't matter these days. It's the unions. Viz. NATO, EU etc. You see if any one of the NATO members is being attacked by an outsider, then all the others will come in to its aid. Although I believe that the mightiest military power in the world is the one which has the will as well as the potential to restore peace wherever or whenever it is required in this world. I have no idea about their Will, but I can rank them in order of their Potential. So keeping this in mind my list will be

1> NATO = 100/100
2> RUSSIA = 45/100
3> CHINA = 40/100
4> ISRAEL = 30/100
5> JAPAN = 25/100
AUSTRALIA = 25/100
6> INDIA = 20/100
7> PAKISTAN = 19/100
8> NORTH KOREA = 15/100
9> SAUDI ARABIA = 14/100
10> IRAN = 13/100
11> SOUTH KOREA = 12/100

I have constructed this list by taking into account the followings,

Total annual budget, number of personnel, amount of modern instruments in the ground+water+air combat sections, range of weapons, ability to manufacture their own weapons at home etc.

But one day I would love to see one name in this list. Listed at number one, with so much might and power that no other states or countries or unions are there to challenge it at number 2 position. That name will be, of course, UN.
Jun 26, 2008 19:38
GUESTSC What about the list containing only the countries, currently having an almost self developed military completely. That is, all the military components(Army, Navy, Air-Force,etc.) developed and manufactured by the country concerned, in their home and not acquired it from foreign states(despite being an ally). Considering this fact my list will be,

1> USA
2> UK
Jul 8, 2008 19:20
GUEST21748 BS!!! The USA spends 2 times as much on its military as all Eu member states combine. The US military gets more funding than every other country on earth combine. Fact. Americas Amphibious Assault ships are just as large as European aircraft carriers and we have 12 of them. Not to mention the insanely huge American aircraft carriers the Nimitz class. 12 of those as well. Many Eu countries are ban by their constitution from going to war. Eu as an organization is a joke.
Jul 10, 2008 17:22
GUEST48125 based on number of army personel and nuclear warheads.

UK *
India *
Pakistan *
North Korea

*nuclear powers (or in the case of NK and Iran undeclared or unofficial nuclear power)
Jul 16, 2008 12:29
GUEST09107 isreal cant be in top 10 when they are almost totally dependent on America and surrounded by enemies on all sides.
Jul 16, 2008 12:33
GUESTJOHN Isreal's power or so called is totally dependent on America, so how can it be up there. Also, it is surrounded by like 5 hostile arab nations.
Jul 24, 2008 09:28
GUEST33234 usa 1
russia 2
uk 3
china 4
germany 5
france 6

look on world power gives u all the ranks
Jul 27, 2008 22:42
  • SONIA1985
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Russia and China would be unable to reach the United States. The United States could reach Russia and China. Navy is the most important aspect of a fight like this.

i think top 4 are
Jul 28, 2008 21:34
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Top 10 military nations? Great. Now we know who will blow the earth into oblivion. O_o
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