Top 10 military nations
Aug 19, 2008 16:21

Well The usa beats all hands down! One thing to remember,Economy drives the military,USA is #1 in both Due to free market and freedom in general.Take a lesson!
Sep 5, 2008 00:28
GUEST10147 top three military are
then wither U.k
Sep 8, 2008 20:03
GUEST43176 i think that the usa is number 1 but i dont think they can handle even a decade of war of course other countries wouldnt even make a day suppling americas forces but americas economy has gone down if the usa does manage some how to declare a nother war it would de very hard on the people
Sep 11, 2008 14:52
Sep 14, 2008 02:54
GUESTXINCHN The USA possesses undoubtedly the most powerful military right now, but that does not mean they are undefeatable nor invincible. I'm surprised some posters didn't even give China a place in the top 5...
The top US airforce brass in Korea admitted candidly that the current US air assets in the East Asian region does not have the capabilities to penetrate Chinese airspace unless a large contingent of 5th generation aircraft (F-22, F-35) is moved to Guam. Even then it would cost the USAF heavily to establish a foothold (Note: The United States did not establish effective air superiority over North Vietnam during the Vietnam war). It is not widely known but Russia is actually a generation ahead of the United States in missile technology and if you search up sunburn missile or SS-N-20 there is information about this missile, deployable by air (Tupolev 22 or 160 Blackjack Bomber) or sea (Any DDG class destroyer/cruiser) and a single missile has a very high chance (60-80%) to penetrate the US Navy Aegis system and hit a US carrier. Documents available online show that the Clinton administration tried to purchase these missiles for their own Navy but in the end the contract was given to China. The Russian military, while VERY formidable, is not as well funded and has recently been surpassed by the Chinese military, which has the resources and capital to equip ultra-modern weaponry such as the SS-N-20 and others. The US 7th fleet in Japan would be vulnerable to such weaponry combined with a modest Chinese Naval defence fleet and modern People's Liberation Army Airforce. A ground war in China would be completely out of the question as I believe that would spell devastation for any invading ground troops. With all this in mind this is my opinion of rank.

My rankings are:

1. USA - The top military in the world, advanced weaponry and plenty of capital and resources spent on maintaining combat capability for its armed forces. Advanced airforce with a headstart in stealth capabilities (though countries like Russia, China, South Korea, Japan are in the middle of developing their own indigenous stealth programs), 600 ship Blue Water Navy with a global reach and established military presence in many areas of the world. Not to mention a global economy to back it. Far surpasses any other country in military spending as shown by other posters.
Sep 14, 2008 02:55
GUESTXINCHN 2. China - I believe to be the 2nd best military in the world. Huge population (1.3 bn) and largest army (2.4 million active personnel; estimated 4 million in reserve combined with Peoples Armed Police), massive resources invested into heavy modernization, discipline, and combat capability. Though its Navy is short of Blue Water status it is still very capable and quickly growing stronger (aquisition of Russian Sovremenny DDG class and homebuilt Chinese Luzhou DDG class destroyers and the new homebuilt Nuclear Submarine Type 094 Jin class SSBN) and may achieve blue water status in the future. 3rd largest economy in the world and double digit GDP annual growth; fastest growing economy in the world aiming to overtake the USA in the near future.

3. Russia - Inherited aerospace and ballistics knowledge on par or even superior to that of the United States during its heydays as the USSR. Large military and in recent times has undergone a large revamping campaign by Putin on the road to make the Russian military a global power again. You'll find that alot of Russian designs are so reliable and good that some stuff have been virtually unchanged for decades (ex. AK-47 Assault Rifle and Sukhoi-27). An example of a testament to Russian engineering and ingenuity is the Su-27. Russia's Sukhoi Su-27 fighter aircraft is arguably the best of its time, with its capability to outperform and outmaneuver its American F-16 and F-15 counterparts. The basic model of the Su-27 has been worked on and improved to give the latest variants of Su-37 and future prototypes Sukhoi PAK FA, the objective of the latter to counter the American F-22.

4/5. France - One of the top weapons exporters in the world (others being USA, Russia, China, Germany) and is well equipped with modern weaponry. Though it lacks a Blue Water Navy France has a considerably larger military than that of the UK or Germany with a total around 780 000 counting active, reserve, and paramilitary. Is a major partner in the development of weapons technologies for the European Union.

4/5. United Kingdom - Only other country (other being the USA) with a Blue water navy that can project and maintain its presence almost anywhere in the world, though it has been declined considerably due to budget cuts. Has access to defense technologies from the United States and various European countries and boasts a capable force in all areas of ground sea and air.

6. Germany - One of the big powers of the European Union. Manufactures and exports high quality machinery and vehicles, which in turn makes it the 4th largest economy in the world behind US, Japan, and China. Has close to 700 000 people in its military, 200 000ish in the active force. An important weapons developer and manufacturer and has close relations with the UK and France in the area of military cooperation and weapons development.
Sep 14, 2008 02:57
GUESTXINCHN 7. Japan - Thanks to help from the USA, Japan has quite a collection of US weaponry in its collection to augment its indigenous weapons and troops. Due to its post-WWII constitution, Japan is officially a pacifist country and can only mantain a self defense force and not an official military. Though it is a fairly effective force with its share of advanced weaponry, the status of Self Defense Force strips Japan of offensive weaponry such as cruise missiles or anything that can strike outside of a certain allowable distance, and although the JSDF has 300 000 some members, SDF status means that none of the personnel are officially active duty meaning the entire military is similar to the US national guard in principle. Because of these considerations I've ranked Japan lower than that of Germany, England, and France. Otherwise Japan would be on par or even ahead of them in my ranking.

8. India - Has the 2nd largest army in the world, 3rd if counting only active troops (behind China and the USA). Its military capability and readiness is due in part to tensions with Pakistan. Although India has such a large army, it lacks cohesion and discipline compared to armies like China and Russia, although it should be noted that the Indian airforce performed very well and humiliated the US airforce in the cope India air combat exercise.

9/10. North Korea - Kim Jong il may be a complete dick to his people, but he likes to spend alot of resources on the DPRK military. Aside from successfully testing nuclear weapons, North Korea has the 5th largest standing army with more than 1 000 000 personnel but has huge numbers in reserve (close to 6 million counting reserves, militia, and paramilitary). Due to the influence of the paranoid North Korean leadership, the country has a huge emphasis on defense and thus North Korea has 49.03 Active troops per thousand citizens, which is a huge number compared to the US (4.76 Troops /1000 civilians) and China (1.71 troops /1000 civilians making North Korea a country very focused on military.

9/10. South Korea - Due to its tensions with the North, South Korea needs to maintain a military with high combat readiness at all times. South Korea has mandatory military service for at least 2-3 years for all males once adulthood has been reached. It's military is supported by US weapons and needs to maintain effective strength in the air, sea, and ground to deter North Korean aggression. Has an active force of 687 000 but counting its reserves and paramilitary, its total strength is comparable to the North Koreans with about 5 million.

I did not include the Ukraine, Israel, or Iran but it should be noted they have quite the military as well.
Sep 14, 2008 19:56
GUEST18942 1st is USA 2nd is CHina 3rd is Russia
Sep 18, 2008 02:28
GUEST71328 pakistan and china is the best miltar power in the world.......and i thing china and pakistan will be next supar power....
Sep 18, 2008 02:31
GUEST71328 pakistan is big nuclear power than the india
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