Top 10 military nations
Sep 18, 2008 02:32
GUEST71328 i think pakistan
Sep 18, 2008 02:33
GUEST71328 china is......................................................................................... not u.s.a..............china is leading power in world
Sep 25, 2008 13:36
GUESTGUEST-TEK So far the only person i see that has put any thought into his answer is GUESTXINCHN, whom i agree with. After reading everything it just seems that this went from a Military Strength discussion to a "we're better" d**k waving contest. Please stay on topic and get off your or your country's ego. THAT INCLUDES U.S.! Yes we have the highest military standard but we also got out of WW2 a hell of alot better than everyone else. Also count that economically the U.S. is declining rapidly, still unable to pay off old loans to other country's.

Ok. I'm done.
Sep 25, 2008 22:04
GUEST02172 usa
Oct 1, 2008 13:09
GUESTSAMIR Pakistan is just behind india .Pakistan fought 5 wars with india .Pakistan won 3/5 and india 2/5 so where is pakistan i think u people have no study and knowledge about these things go and play tekken 4. dont give coments on countreis.actually pak is 5th biggest combat powernow. t
Oct 6, 2008 09:14
GUEST13641 my top 10 only 5 whith reasons why....
note... military power is not decided by numbers !!! the size of an army dosent mean much for example in ww2 the french military was much larger than the british army and when germany invaded france, france fell in 8 days but the uk stood untill the end of the war

so top 10
1 usa ...i need not say any more

2 russia....very large military but very undertrained and out only its shere size keeps it in second place also russia has proved in reacent times that it can use its powerful military effectively. also second most powwerful aiforce.

3 UK second only to the USA in naval power and in military tech,, also second to the usa in being able to deploy thousands of troos world wide and fast, uk is the most powerful nation in the eu, and the alliance whith the usa gives it extra power. also the third most powerful airforce

4 france very much the same as the uk in military terms but obviously not as capable or powerful as the uk,
the french air force and navy are just behind the UK s in power so france will for ever be walking in the shadow of the UK.

5 china crap airfoce and navy only good thing about the chinesse military is its standing army of millions so china is for now only a reigonal power
the freind ship it has whith the uk and usa helps china protect its over seas intrests...but as the fastest growing nation on the planet we will see china taking over the UK russia and france on this list

6 germany

7 japan

8 india

9 australia*

10 cannada*

* both australia and cannada have very high tech and well trained armed forces just as the british but it is the strong alliance whtith UK ( great britain) and USA that put them in the top 10
Oct 14, 2008 16:50
GUESTPAOLO 1 United States 711,000,000,000 2009[2]
— European Union Total 311,920,000,000 2007[3]
2 China Real estimate: 121,900,000,000
China official: 58,800,000,000 2008[4][5]
3 Russia 94,230,000,000 2009[6]
4 France 74,690,470,000 2008-2009 [7]
5 United Kingdom 68,911,000,000 FY 2008-09[8]
6 Japan 48,860,000,000 2008[9]
7 Germany 45,930,000,000 2008[10]
8 Italy 40,060,000,000 2008 (est.)[citation needed]
9 Saudi Arabia 31,050,000,000 2008 [11]
10 South Korea 28,940,000,000 2008 [12]
11 India 26,500,000,000 2008-2009[1]
12 Turkey 25,407,304,010 2008[citation needed]
13 Brazil 25,396,731,055 2008[13]
Oct 14, 2008 17:00
GUESTPAOLO "France very much the same as the uk in military terms but obviously not as capable or powerful as the uk,
the french air force and navy are just behind the UK s in power so france will for ever be walking in the shadow of the UK."
France is much more stronger than UK...France has a larger and more efficient army and also is the only european nation with a nuclear triade deterrent (ICBM, SLBM, and air carried atom bomb)...UK has only SLBM nuclear deterrent.
Only France, USA, China and Russia have a nuclear triade.
Nobody has mentioned Italy. Italy has a very good navy and the best air force of the south europe. Soon Italy will become a nuclear power with an SLBM deterrent.
Oct 15, 2008 08:49
GUEST24139 Well speaking of top 10 military nations it is usually measured by combat force and not by having most of the latest hi-tech gear.
Nations like the USA, Russia, China have definetly the largest force to knock down an enemy. I think China is ranking at 3rd because its offensive capabilities are limited since the priority of the PLA is national defense while the USA has been using its military for global power projection. Russia still
is a big player especially despite of having many mothballed weapons.
In terms of technology, Forces of Germany, Japan and Israel etc. are more advanced than China but its size of forces makes them much vulnerable.
Nations like France and the UK are among the top 5 and still have an edge of technology over China, but that gap is shrinking step by step.
Oct 20, 2008 02:12
GUEST17660 There is alot of good information in this forum, but you also have to take into consideration that the U.S only lets out unclassified information, if you could only know the classified and top secret information you would be blown away, why do you think the bush administration spends 700 billion dollars funding the war?

- Josh
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