Romance or ??
Oct 28, 2007 01:35
  • ELLEN77
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The boy is really brave, and I don't think they should be punished. I'm wondering what regulations they have offended.
Oct 28, 2007 22:33
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Ellen, they broke the so called campus order since they had attracted so many audience. I could understand what the college authorities thought about. If they did not punish the boy and the girl, many students would do the same thing in the future. This is called 杀鸡儆猴(killing chickens to scare the monkeys). To supplement, I am not with the college authorities. BTW, I guess that you are expecting your boyfriend do some surprises to you as this boy. Are you?
Oct 29, 2007 03:35
Hi Iceberg.
I wasn't being timid, just telling my lady I want to spend the rest of my life with her from a very long distance, in all honesty I knew what her answer before I even asked, the more romantic proposal is to come although we plan to marry soon after I arrive.#Alan.
Oct 29, 2007 04:43
  • ELLEN77
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Yes, I think every girl desire suprise and romantic things from their boyfriend. The boy's courage is worth praising, but I also don't think it is the best way to propose a love. If the girl is not in love with him, perhaps she'll feel not easy. A real love is not neccessary to be opened to all the people.
Oct 30, 2007 04:14
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Quote: A real love is not neccessary to be opened to all the people.
Yes, Ellen, as long as you and he are happy. But I guess that you woul like to share your happiness with your friends:)
Oct 30, 2007 17:55
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Here at Jiao Da in Xi'An, a young man tried something like this a couple of years ago. Unfortunately, the young lady refused to come out of her dorm room, leaving this guy standing there in complete and utter isolation and embarassment. Nothing romantic about that.

As for me, my idea of romance tends more towards a private, intimate setting rather than a large crowd display. But, that's just my opinion.
Oct 30, 2007 21:42
  • BBQQ
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I am with Ellen. All girls want her BF or huband to do something romantic or to give her some surprises. To avoid what Ellen and WCTMAN mentioned, it's better to do it to your GF. I once heard that a boy asked some help from all the students from his students' residence to surprise his GF. With their help, he made all lights in the students' residence form a pattern of heart. His GF was moved by what he had done for her.
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