If there had been no differences between East and West
Nov 1, 2007 22:50
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Thanks for your instructive illustrations. I just can't believe that the two people were so alienated from each other at that time.If I lived in that era, I would have gone mad.

"In another poem his words are “you are a better man than I am, Gunger Din” So he does admit the failings of the Colonials in a Victorian era where the “White Man” reigned supreme."

Anyhow, it was glad to see Kypling made some progress in his minds. Dodger, did you read a lot of poems written by Kypling? I read very few poems.
Nov 2, 2007 23:31
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I have not read a lot of Kipling’s works but thanks for understanding my point.
If you have read The Merchant of Venice buy Shakespeare you may read into his words some anti Jewish bias. But Fagan’s point about his honor being worth more than money contradicts this.
But all history needs to viewed in the context of its time.
Cheers, Dodger.
Nov 8, 2007 04:06
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If there had been no differences between East and the West, Kypling would not have wrote that biased poem.

Nov 8, 2007 05:34
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Perhaps it is more about changing times than about East and West?
We are not now locked into a way of thing that was handed down to us from our Parent without thought. We can now decide for ourselves.
Are you brave enough?
Nov 15, 2007 20:21
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Dodger, Yvonne,

I have read "The Merchant of Venice", but I have read only several poems written by Kipling. It's a pity.
As I have read so many posts here in this forum, I realize that Kipling didn't overstate the differences between the East and the West.Especially, Kipling lived in that era when communication was quite backward.

Today, depite of the increasing communication and exchaging activities, there are still some huge differences between the Easterners and the Westerners both in ways of thinking and behavior. Actually, the differences not only exist between the East and the West but also exist among different individuals. On some issues , we extremely disagree with each other. Anyway, it is much enjoyable and the differences render us the opportunity to learn from each other. Just take Jimmyb's thread " why marry a Chinese girl" as an example, in the midst of discussion, both members and guests' opinions are quite varied, contrastive and conflicting. Anyhow, it is a learning experience. Through open discussion and debating, all people involved in the thread have learnt a lot and we all benifit from the cultural and individual differences.

To add another line to my poem, if there had been no differences between the East and the West, there wouldn't have been the hot debate, and I wouldn't have learnt a lot from the posts on this forum.
If there had been no differences between East and West, there wouldn't have been Jimmyb's hot thread( Joking, hehe).
Nov 16, 2007 04:01
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Funny reply
But if there was no difference between East and West there would be no need of this forum.
Perhaps the opposing poles will bring us closer together without obliterating the colour.
Nov 20, 2007 20:35
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Perhaps, my previous reply was a little bit funny. Anyway, that's exactly what I feel. You may have misread the connotation of my reply. In fact, I was celebrating the cultural differences, can't you tell?

"Perhaps the opposing poles will bring us closer together without obliterating the colour."I agree 100% with you on this point.

Nov 21, 2007 05:22
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I have just re-read my reply.
I did not mean funny in a way that brought laughter, but one that I found witty and amusing. A post that had great thought behind it.
I also celebrate the difference between East and West.
As it happens this forum has helped me understand my Wife better.
I have traveled to China for nearly 20 years but never had a personnel relationship before so I am still learning how to be一个好丈夫
Thank you,
Nov 21, 2007 20:13
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Thanks! I can understand what you mean. The last line of your previous reply has told me your thoughts,and I said that I agree 100% with you.

Glad to hear that you understand your wife better because of the discussions in this forum. You can type Chinese characters. Great! How is your Chinese-learning progressing? Can you talk with your wife in Chinese? Keep on your good job!

Nov 25, 2007 19:18
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The reason why there are differences is so that we can learn to respect, understand, tolerate, love and appreciate each other despite our differences.
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