If there had been no differences between East and West
Nov 25, 2007 20:26
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"The reason why there are differences is so that we can learn to respect, understand, tolerate, love and appreciate each other despite our differences. "

It is comprehensible that you make such a wish. I have ever cheriched the same wish. However, in realtiy, the cultural difference often alienate us from each other rather than bring us closer. It is easy to say that we should learn to respect and tolearate each other but hard to do. I am not sure where you are living. If you are still in USA, perhaps you understand better that the cultural differences often turned into racial prejudice. America claimed that its "melting pot" functions well. The fact is that there are various stereotypes against people from different cultures and religion.

Have you ever seen the Oscar Best Motion Picture " Crash"? This theme featured in the movie resonate millions of minority groups in USA. In LA city, (a concentration city of immigrants), people share different cultural and religious beliefs. The cultural differences lead to numerous conflicts. The cultural differences usually make people intolerant and ego-centric. So, Madame, your idea doesn't work well in the real world.
Nov 25, 2007 22:01
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I know very well what you mean, Frank. However, I have not lost my faith in mankind. It was only a century ago when it was unthinkable to be associated, be friends or marry with anyone from another race. Now, it is fully acceptable, or at least we had a big leap on it. People's mindset cannot change overnight but history showed how much change we can make. With all the intermarrying going on, it is predicted that the human race will end up with the same color and cultures will blend eventually. It s a small world indeed. The scientists have already proven that we all came from the same geneological line all having the same ancestors. If you know that you are related to another individual no matter how different you look, how can you not see him/her as a part of you?
Nov 26, 2007 10:22
I like the way you think and present yourself SHESGOTTOBE
I don't know if you have read many of my posts but I was married to a Filipino and we have a Anglo / Filipino daughter, so I know where you are coming from.
Nov 26, 2007 18:18
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Hi Alan!

Hmm... I think I have read somewhere who said he was married to a Filipina but I couldn't remember who. Does that tell you anything about my memory? LOL

Nice to meet you!
Nov 26, 2007 19:21
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"I know very well what you mean, Frank. However, I have not lost my faith in mankind."

"With all the intermarrying going on, it is predicted that the human race will end up with the same color and cultures will blend eventually. It s a small world indeed. "

SHEGOTTOBE, I understand well what you mean. too. I have not lost my faith in human being, either. However, our dreams and good wishes are very often conflicting with the imperfect reality. I doubt if "the human race will end up with the same color". Perhaps it is only a utopian world existing in our dream. Perhaps, the dream will come true, but how long it will? Ten thousands years? Millions of years is too long.
Conflicts happen at every corner of the world from Middle East to Africa and from Eastern Europe to Southeast Asia. Part of the reason is the religious and cultural conflicts.
Nov 30, 2007 03:47
GUESTHUNTER Have you read the book the Clash of Civilizations? The book focus on the clash of Islamic Civilization and Christian civilization. After reading this book, you will know if the differences between East and West can be eliminated.
Dec 17, 2007 22:50
GUEST62282 you said: "Family values have always apeared to be the same to me" is a rather confusing statment, you see I live in Canada and many of my Canadian friends moved out of their parent's home when they turned 17 or 18 to claim their independence. The family reunion only happens once or twice a you not think these "westeners" hold different cultural values from that of asian counterpart. So, the conflict of interest...

Dec 18, 2007 20:23
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>> you see I live in Canada and many of my Canadian friends moved out of their parent's home when they turned 17 or 18 to claim their independence. The family reunion only happens once or twice a you not think these "westeners" hold different cultural values from that of asian counterpart. So, the conflict of interest...<<

Well, this is a truth happened everywhere, not only in Canada, but in Asian countries. When Children grow up, they will leave home to follow their dreams. In the Animal world, it is similar. When the birdie become fully fledged, they will leave their parents' nests. In this way, there is no difference between the East and the West.

Dec 19, 2007 11:23
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Iceblue, I like the way You think . Finally, when children are old enough and capable to take care for themselves, the real parental job is done.

On the other hand, there is other side of story, too. In the animal world, only strong survive and there is no one to help weak parents.

Human is an animal, but the problem is that humans can think. It makes things difficult.

By the way, differences between East and West have their roots for a long time back but they are only philosophical. Human has always been the same, no matter where live. Well, aboriginals in Australia may make a difference.

Anyway, I think there is nothing special about differences all around the world. If there were no differences.....well, there were no diferences.


Dec 19, 2007 19:19
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Thanks for your kind words!

"On the other hand, there is other side of story, too. In the animal world, only strong survive and there is no one to help weak parents. " Actually, the survival of the fittest not only fit in the animal world, but in human world, especially in this highly competitive social environment. Social Darwinism has its ground.

I back your view" human is an animal, but the problem is that humans can think. It makes things difficult." This is true. It is human's complex thinking machine that makes life complicated.

The differences between East and West is a matter of philosophy. Has human been always the same? IMO, this is an unresolved question.
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