Has God deserted Africa?
Sep 13, 2007 20:23
  • JCNILE123
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China girl if you don't care i 'm using your #5 statement, Mr Congo''s father probable was a president for life, you know a (dictator) = warlord.

" Yeah. I know what you mean. My brother's roommate in university was the son of the President of Congo. (or one of his sons). He had a lot of really nice stuff in his room, ie electronics, expensive clothing, etc. A lot nicer than most Canadian students, and his parents owned an apartment close to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Something about that didn't seem right...because I thought Congo was a poor country?? "
Sep 13, 2007 23:57
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Hi, sure no problem. Actually, I recently just looked up that roommate's father on Wikipedia and found out his name was President Lissouba of Congo. He was the first democratically elected president of Congo, but his opponents said he rigged the elections and he supposedly embezzled money too... As for the apartment in Paris, he was a university professor in Paris for a number of years so maybe he did earn that rightfully... who knows...
Sep 14, 2007 05:05
  • JCNILE123
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Thank You very much, Chinagyrl.
Sep 14, 2007 05:06
  • JCNILE123
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By FRANCES D'EMILIO (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
September 14, 2007 3:13 AM EDT
ROME - Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir said Friday his government is ready to implement a cease-fire with rebel forces at the start of peace talks over the conflict in Darfur, scheduled for next month in Libya.
"We have announced we are available (to put in place) a cease-fire with the start of the negotiations to create a positive climate," al-Bashir said at a news conference following talks with Italian Premier Romano Prodi.
Al-Bashir's regime has regularly agreed to cease-fires in the past and all have been quickly breached by the parties involved in the conflict.
Later Friday, al-Bashir is expected to meet Pope Benedict XVI.
The trip is a rare, high-profile visit to Western Europe that has raised concern from human rights advocates and some politicians.
Al-Bashir, who came to power in 1989 in a coup, arrived in Rome a few weeks before the expected deployment of an international peacekeeping force to try to improve the security situation in the war-ravaged western region of Darfur.
More than 200,000 people have died and 2.5 million have been uprooted since ethnic African rebels in Darfur took up arms against the Arab-dominated Sudanese government in 2003.
Sudan's government is accused of retaliating by unleashing a militia of Arab nomads known as the "janjaweed," a charge Khartoum denies.
Al-Bashir opened his talks early Friday .
Sep 14, 2007 05:09
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I agree on some points among what you all said but building a humanitary corridor to prevent the people from fighting using the OTAN and UN forces and then let the different organisations feed, heal the population. Investment would be a good idea: investing directly in digging holes in the ground to find drinkable water, transfering some irrigation technologies for free by the intermediary of these organisations. This would be a great idea. Avoiding transfering money but trying to give technologies directly to the target people, building and not financing. This what it is all about.

Guest if I had to tell what I think about the existance of god, I would say there is none. I just consider that the Universe was never created, it has always been there and it will still be there after Humans have totally disapeared. This is a no ending cycle. I know it is difficult to conceive, but I found this out reading the recent discoveries we are making about space. I even have a theory for what is called the Flood in the Bible and that was described in different civilisations (egyptians, mayas, chinese...) around 2000 B.C. I ll expose it in an article later on I guess I ll have a lot of commentaries about it. But I can tell you, this has no link with god to me.
Sep 14, 2007 06:15
  • JCNILE123
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Mr. Erencius, I most agree with you, to some degree.

On #35 Issue (1) I'm a hundred % with you.

On #35 Issue (2) I believe on ONE GOD the CREATOR only and I agree that there are many gods, but only ONE is the CREATOR.
(Is an open issue)
I understand your opinion and respect it, so I can have my self opinion.
I believe that Creation and Evolution are the same, there’s not room for Evolution without Creation, and so, there's not room for Creation without Evolution.
At the very end, there is a Hand that controls it all; we can name it anything we want to name it. I name it God.

Quote, "This is a no ending cycle" to me that equals to GOD, the Creator, the Evolutionist.
Sep 14, 2007 06:39
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I respect your conception of things I'm not trying to impose mine ;) just answered a question.
The only thing we have to do is living in respect with our own beliefs. What you believe in (values, ideology, religion) made you as you are now. So rejecting it is like denying someone. I personnaly dislike religion but this is linked to my history and my understanding of the World: to me it divides the people more than it gathers them. I don't like also the institution linked to religion but I completly acknowledge that we can believe in something superior. ;)
Sep 14, 2007 06:46
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I am sorry that you have no God. Humans have alway sort out a higher spirit since time began.In the trees, in the earth and in the skys
It may not always be in a formal form as in the major religions but even Freud and Young understood that there may be a higher being .
So when we die is that the end or do we live on?
Do we live on in our children or do we live on in our spirit that joins the mass in the universe?
I am not sure that I believe in a life after death but as I get closer to that time I would like to think that there is more than just this.
Sep 14, 2007 07:20
  • JCNILE123
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#37 Quote, "I personally dislike religion"
Mr.Erencius. Not one here has said RELIGION.
Personally, I think religion is another subject.

Quote, "I completely acknowledge that we can believe in something superior"
I admire your understanding of something Superior.

Mr. Dodger, as an older guy my self, I think that in fact, there is more than just this.
Sep 14, 2007 08:47
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Haha yes I know but down here gods are usually linked with religions, if you give it another name then all right ;), no more religion.

Dodger don't be sad for me, I'm really happy to be what I'm and I really don't mind having no "God".
And to complete what I said, yes I bet the game will be over when we die we are not eternal, the cycle of life is not employing the same individuals you let your child follow your path but it is no more you. We are all future worms' meal ;). That's life, and death is part of it.
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