Has God deserted Africa?
Sep 15, 2007 07:10
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I completly aree with you that Relgion has in it's name brought sufferingy to many people but we should not blame "God" for that.
We are not animals and have a higher undertanding so surly passing from one world to the next is also part of the cycle. But perhaps part of our soul and spirit does live in through our children. If that is the case I have a win win solution.
Perhaps your "God" takes another form from the norm?I think we all have one.
Sep 15, 2007 07:25
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I'm my own god ;) don't worry.
Sep 15, 2007 08:25
  • JCNILE123
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Just to add my 0.05 cents worth in to this, and no other reason, rest assure, no other reason.

Mr. Erencius, I don't see or read a sense of worry on Mr. Dodger’s #41 reply, not at all. Not on your behalf, don’t see it...

I was thinking that Yes, You do look like a god.
I have look at your picture very close, and after a long consideration, I do see the traits of a god on you.
As I say before, there are many gods out there.

No sarcasm here, you are a very smart guy!

Sep 15, 2007 17:36
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Thanks guy I'm proud to be seen like this ;)
I'm absolutely sure you are also.
Sep 15, 2007 17:40
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I know he doesn't worry ;) just fun.
Sep 16, 2007 04:47
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Well, it seems that it doesn't matter for Africans whether there is god or not. If there is a god or many gods, why Gods don't use their power and magic to help Africans out of the predicament. If God has ever sent his missionaries to Evangelize Africa, why it is not effective. I have to find a justified excuse to explain the unchanged poverty in most parts of Africa. That is the positive answer of this thread :"Has God deserted Africa?' YES, Absolutely. God has deserted Africa. Otherwise, why don't we foresee the dawn of Africa's future? The sound of gunshots still echoed in the sky of Darfur. The ghosts in the 1994 Rwanda Genocide are wailing, can't you feel?
Sep 16, 2007 09:43
  • JCNILE123
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Ice blue, God don't send any one, they just go there on their on. So, I do question it my self as you do. I quote you,” IF God has EVER sent his missionaries to Evangelize Africa, why it is not effective"

On the other hand, God created a master piece as He created man, with that; He (God) also presented man with knowledge of good and evil.

It is Africa's culture of hate and war that have Africa there where it is.

It is the African man and woman that most turn around and search for peace and harmony first. As it stand today, Africa it is self destructing from with in. they need to start to care about each other as humans, and stop the hate and killings for the world to follow.

War, killings, hate, robbery, deception, prostitution, genocide, lies, child abuse, woman abuse, slavery, force labor, cruelty, drug addiction induction and production, are part of an evil trend follow by the people that deserts God.

Some blame Africa's struggle on its poverty; I say Africa has deserted God.

Its all people from Africa like this? Answer is, NO! Period. There are millions of good people in Africa, and the question I ask again is,

What can the rest of the world can do?
If I understand you good God is a failure in Africa, so let’s dump God out of Africa, I ask again, what we can do for Africa. That can show results.

Remember we are out of time; it is almost 12.00 o'clock for many people in Africa.

Sep 18, 2007 07:16
GUESTDAVED You can never change the nature of the people. The "Big man" is the essence of how everything is run in Africa. Give money to an African country and your giving it to one man.(Slightly different in South Africa for now, but its heading that way fast) Europe is full of palaces, mansions, castles etc etc owned by the "Big men" in Africa. Zimbabweans are dying in their millions from starvation but Robert Mugabe owns hotels and mansions all over Europe. Why would any person in their right mind pour money into Africa. They have to sort out their own problems. If the people want change then they need to change it themselves.

Sep 18, 2007 15:27
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I agree with the first part of your post.
Of the second, Cuba played some games there on behalf of the USSR some time ago if I remember.
Sep 18, 2007 17:16
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As you can imagine, I cannot agree on this, we have to help them, but not to replace them. They have to decide what their future will be, then we can help. But we first need to stabilize the situation and not to let it become worse... (I explained this already i wont explain it again).
For what is about the role of China, I mostly agree with you except on one point. You cannot blame Chinese for it, they mostly don't know what is happening there (even in their own country, they cannot know what is going on, maybe that's why I felt they are focused on themselves since they are only allowed to see what the government allows them to see... Very few things...)

And DODGER... The cold war is over, and Cuba did no harm to Africa... It shall not become your leit-motiv ;).
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